I ask this question. Because many times we are so attracted
to something, that we begin to despise it. My ex girlfriend
and I are at war with one another. This new boyfriend is
abusive. And he is now using some sort of hoodoo practice
to keep her and me apart. But, when I last spoke to her, she
was in a big fight with this man, and I heard it on the telephone.
They say that Sagittarian men and Gemini women are basically made for one another, and the spiritual bond we
have is very strong. I cannot tell you how strong it is, on this
computer. But anyway, I am strong. AND I have been able
to keep her away for now, anyway. But something tells me
she will call me back. Until that time comes, she will be enslaved by this man, as she is under his spell. But as with
all negative things, it will grow on her like a cancer......
What do you think ? Can our bond survive this mess ?