
Can SOMEONE give me a good excuse to stay home from school on a rainy day, when you dont feel to good.?

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Its gonna be REALLY bad weather today, and I dont feel that well. I just dont want to my mom that I dont want to go CAUSE its raining, and I never feel well when its raining. What should I tell her, to make her let me stay home today?




  1. check this link its good



  2. The obvious answer (apart from the one that says this is the homeschooling board so excuses for not going to school are pretty redundant) would be: How on earth do you expect me or anyone else to tell you how to get your mum to let you stay home! You're the one who knows your mum, not us.

    Never having met your mum, I have absolutely no idea what it would take for her to let you stay at home. Now...if you wanted to know what it would take for my mum to let you wag...

    PS why not just talk to your mum and tell her the truth about how bad you feel? I reckon lying to her is just going to complicate things. Because if your mum is anything like mine (lol), you'll have to be genuinely half-dead before she'll believe you when you tell her you don't feel well enough to do something in the future!

  3. u cud try telling her uve thrown up, jst rub ur eye's til they go red, think pale thorts, (it helps me to look pale) an hold ur stomach. any other tuches help, but ive used this oh so many times, ive even got off exams with it...

  4. Just suck it up and go to school.  

    Good Luck!!!

  5. i was watching a video clip on youtube

    a few days ago:

    it was about a man who got so desperate for a excuse to scive off from work for a few days

    he actually got  his friend to drive a car very slowly over his arm while he laid with his arm outstretched flat on the ground,breaking it quite badly

    so he would now  have this  bona fide

    excuse for his boss the reason why he cant come to work today lol

    if i didnt see it for myself i would never had beleived it


    you could always try doing that!

    or something very similar~oj

    but i wouldnt really reccomend it

  6. This is the homeschooling section. Aren't you already going to be at home?

    If you don't feel well, you don't feel well. Why do you have to come up with a lie?

  7. you have a migraine and your sick.

  8. When I was in school my mom let each of us kids have one "just because" day per grading/attendance period.

    We didn't have to have any reason better than "I just don't fell like going to school today". We had to tell the truth. If it was due to a missed assignment or a big test that we were not ready for then we had better fess-up or we were not trusted for our next "just because" day.

    It might not work for this day, but you could present this idea to your mom and see if she will approve it for current and future use.

  9. You want an excuse????, well here you go....'Mom, I'm too LAZY to get my butt up and go to school.'

    Start making excuses now for not getting an education and you can kiss your future bye-bye.

    No education = No good job prospects

    As Glurpy mentioned, this is a HOMESCHOOL area with questions regarding that subject. It seems that you attend public, so go troll somewhere else.

    To everyone who answered on how you can get out of school, they should be ashamed of themselves and I sincerely hope that you don't seriously try the broken arm stunt (if you do make sure to get your head examined while you are in the ER).

  10. Sigh...please don't run over your arm...sheesh.

    Just tell your mom the truth, it's up to her to decide whether or not you will go today.  If you're not homeschooled, then going today may be less than good (I know I don't like to work in those situations), but necessary.  When you get older, you can't just take off work because the weather's nasty...though I know some irresponsible souls do.  The weather's nasty where I live, too, and I don't necessarily want to teach today, but students are showing up for my class and it would be pretty darn irresponsible for me not to show up.

    If you are homeschooled (this is the homeschool section, after all), then you'll be at home anyway and can work things out with your mom.

    Either way, obey what your folks say, suck it up, and take responsibility.  I know it's not what you wanted to hear...but it's what you need to do.

  11. Just tell her you don't feel well and would like to stay home.

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