
Can Science Prove the Existence of God?

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If so, is there any scientific proof that had been published?




  1. No. Science is limited to the physical. It must be clear that it is not possible to prove God by the usual scientific method. Then again one can't prove Abraham Lincoln either. The reason lies in the nature of history and in the limits of the scientific method. For proof it would have to be repeatable. But the beginning of the universe or the assassination of Lincoln can't be proven because they can't be repeated. But the fact these things can't be repeated doesn't disprove their reality as events.

  2. No. Science deals in the natural, god is supposed to be above the natural. SUPERnatural.

  3. Yes it can, though i read it from a book it makes sense ok lets start... :

    To create matter we must have energy. Energy has many forms including light energy (which can be converted into other forms of energy to produce matter)but my point is Light is a form of Energy and no one can argue with that, God has said that he is the light or as in the Quran he is the pure white light (called Noor) so the equation forms

    God is Light

    Light is energy

    Energy creates matter

    God created this Universe

    P.S. dont mix up that we DO NOT worship light, we worship God

    There you go, though a more detailed example can be given from the source i have posted below

  4. Yes, if God exists, it can be proven!

    All he has to do is show up.

  5. Only to people looking for God.  Some of us see all science, barring the unfortunate origin theory of evolution, as proof of the order and design of a Creator.

    Some God-believers even see a Creator's hand in evolution.  This really takes faith.

  6. No mere mortals can never conceive the mind of God.

  7. Yes it can, anyone who say's otherwise is mistaken.

    Entropy and Causality used as

    a proof for God's existence

    Sometimes atheist assert that there is no proof that God exists.  The only problem is that an atheist cannot logically make that claim.

    In order to state that there is no proof for God's existence, the atheist would have to know all alleged proofs that exist in order to then state that there is no proof for God's existence.  But, since he cannot know all things, he cannot logically state there is no proof for God's existence.

    At best, an atheist can only state that of all the alleged proofs he has seen thus far, none have worked.  He could even say that he believes there are no proofs for God's existence.  But then, this means that there is the possibility that there is a proof or proofs out there and that he simply has not yet encountered one.

    Nevertheless, if there was a proof that truly did prove God's existence, would the atheist be able to accept it given that his presuppositions are in opposition to the existence of God?  In other words, given that the atheist has a presuppositional base that there is no God, in order for him to accept a proof for God's existence, he would have to change his presuppositional base.  This is not easy to do and would involve a major paradigm shift in the belief structure of the atheist.  Therefore, an atheist is presuppositionally hostile to any proofs for God's existence and is less likely to be objective about such attempted proofs.

  8. Science is seriously limited. It can only deal with things that actually exist...

  9. Yes, in the way certain symbols can affect the consciousness, it is measurable. And since these symbols or symbolisms are not seen in nature, it could not be genetic. The way they affect the mind and how it transfers to the physical body are both measurable. Something, some intelligence has to be behind it. I've been studying the phenomena for a long time now gaining understanding into it.

    Also check this out, it is kind of interesting.

  10. If science could have proved that God didn't exist they would have by now.

    What I find interesting is that people are wanting the same thing that people did when Jesus walked the earth.

    "Then Jesus said to him, You will not have faith if you do not see signs and wonders."John 4:48

    The very gospel that is needed is rejected. The miracles that Jesus did are not enough, they weren't then either they demanded more. Human nature is full of pride and selfish desire. They cannot see because they refuse to see. God is sovereign and will not be dictated to.

    "One has said to himself, "If I had a dream, or if I could feel a sudden shock of I know not what, then I would believe." Thus you undeserving mortals dream that my Lord is to be dictated to by you! You are beggars at His gate, asking for mercy, and you must needs draw up rules and regulations as to how He shall give that mercy. Think you that He will submit to this? My Master is of a generous spirit, but He has a right royal heart, He spurns all dictation, and maintains His sovereignty of action—Morning and Evening

    He sent His son to pay our sin debt, because He loves us and wants the best for us. This is truth and should be enough - Because He lives.

    This always wanting proof. Remember that absence of proof is not proof of absence.

    I have proof of God for myself, He lives in me, He loves me, He has blessed me, changed me, and given to me more than I ever deserved - His saving grace and mercy were enough, but He has done so much more.

    "A truthful Saviour ought to be believed. He is truth itself. Why will you ask proof of the veracity of One who cannot lie? The devils themselves declared Him to be the Son of God; will you mistrust Him?"—Morning and Evening

  11. no

    if science could prove the existence of God

    it would be on the front page of every paper in the world

  12. Full Armor of God : Even know if god exists , it's not your Christian god .

    A. there is no Proof that God exists

    B. However , Science cannot prove a Negative

    C.therefor , it's called faith

    ''Universe'' used to mean everything that exists. To even think about this new scheme of things, the definition must be weakened to ''everything that we can get information about.'' We are required to believe in -- take on faith -- that there is something outside the universe. Might as well just call it God.

  13. If a god existed and had interacted with this world then there would be evidence of that interaction, but even though many such interactions are claimed, no evidences supports that they ever happened.  Likewise if a god existed, then scientific pursuits would objectively indicate that a god was involved in this universe, however it doesn't.

    There is no reason to assume or believe that the "supernatural" can not be studied or perceived.

  14. I'm an atheist, and I can say that atheists differ on this. Some atheists use "Nonoverlapping Magisteria (NOMA)" which means they feel the religion realm and scientific realm are separate and distinct and as such science ends where religion begins. I'm not sure I agree with that, but I can say that while Stephen J Gould agreed with it, Richard Dawkins disagrees with it.

  15. no but don't you love it when religious people will refuse a blood transfusion that will save them over their religion.

    -do you think it's right that some church leader prophesizes that a girl won't get married and won't have children because he said so???

  16. That's an odd question.  Were something published, don't you think it would be the greatest discovery of all time?

    Assuming God exists (which I believe is the case), He doesn't exist in a way we can measure. You can roll your eyes and call that a convenient explanation, but the nay-sayers have no way to explain a couple of major items (1) Big-bang or not, how it it start?  Something out of nothing? Perhaps the catalyst was something not quite of this existence.   (2) Self-awareness and the NEED for wondering where we came from.  

    I'm fine with evolution throwing on an appendage or straightening a back, but I think it's a big leap to say we evolved into creatures with the ability to wonder about ourselves.

    So, no.  Science cannot prove the existence of God.  But, then science also  doesn't explain the catalyst for the beginning of our universe, nor does it explain how we are self-aware creatures, capable of moral, rational thought.

  17. If God was real, there would be some sort of observable phenomenon that could occur.  (An appearance, an indisputable miracle in a controlled environment, etc).

    Apparently, burning bushes used to speak and god himself used to give speeches on the top of mountains.

    Sadly, there is nothing that would indicate the existence of any god.

  18. Yes. Science is the process of gaining knowledge thru trial and error to prove a hypothesis. A proven hypothesis is then called a scientific principle. And one of the scientific principle states that: "For every action, there is an equal opposite reaction"; or to state it another way: "For every cause there is an effect." Matter is an effect, a reaction, of some action done somewhere from a distant past, with embedded principle inherent in its elements. Isn't that enough? Science is a body of accumulated and progressive knowledge which could prove the existence of God. But man failed to use it in the right direction. Instead, man use it to disprove the existence of the source of existence.

  19. 'God' is typically described as an immaterial entity that is not amenable to the laws of nature. Science could not even postulate a being, and certainly could not provide material evidence as support.

  20. All science ,all nature and the entire universe are proof of the existence of God.Many people who do not want to believe in God think evolution has the answers.It does not and evolution has been proven to be scientiffically impossible.

  21. no, theists are unable to define him so no one can test him.

  22. If there was a God, and it left evidence that pointed towards that God then yes..  But seeing that there is absolutely no evidence pointing specifically in the direction of God, it is not at all likely..  The absence of evidence of something that supposedly created everything, and is everywhere more so shows that such a God does not exist in the first place.

  23. No, that's on a spiritual plane. You can't study invisible places.

  24. nope science do the opposite it shows that there ain't such thing as god.

    well im atheist also but i don't mind or dislike those who believe in god because without god or something to believe in some peoples lives become empty and without hope so i hope i answered your question

  25. The existance of God can be proved by using ur logical sense which God has given to you in the first place to conclude his existance...

    This is a real story, that shows that if you follow logic, you'll find God:

    There was a real wise man who was trying to get a group of people in Islam, but they refused to believe in God’s existence. They thought that the world just got created somehow and everything is completely random. So, this wise man told them to wait for him in a certain place the next day. So, the day came and so did the men. But that wise man wasn’t there. They waited for so long. So, as they were about to leave, they saw him through the distance coming. When he reached them, they asked him why he was so late. So the wise man told them that he had to cross a river in order to reach this certain place and there was not boat on the shore that day. So, they asked him how he got there after all. He told them that as he stood on the side of the river; a piece of wood came floating. Then suddenly another piece of wood came along. Then a third one came floating from the other way. Then, a fourth piece of wood came by. And then suddenly as he was standing, the four pieces of wood came together and all floated to his direction. So, he stood on and the pieces of wood floated to the other side and that was how he crossed over. So, the men were confused and wondered if he was mocking them. So, the wise man told them how they could not believe that four pieces of wood randomly came together and believed that the entire world was randomly created.

    The universe is too perfect to be random. i mean, looking at the food chain, if we kill one species like (ants for example) everything else falls apart. there must be a God to arrange all these things together.  

    watch the video on this page:

    also, check out ths page:

    also to check out the scientific miracles in the Quran, see these sites:

    God Bless You... :)

  26. No

    BUT "I" yes little ole me CAN prove the existence of no life radical fundie Atheists !!!!!!!

    Just look at ANY Atheist profile in here and WALLA !!!!! proof !!!

    They do try hard to evolve into normal intelligent Atheists but lack the "intelligent" part so normal Atheists do not accept them.

  27. No, nor can it disprove God's existence.

  28. I think there is a scientific method that they have that can prove that God exists but I don't know the details. I think that people live life are fueled by faith anyway so I don't think that I would want to know either way.

  29. In my opinion science is  trying to figure out what God has already done. Science itself proves there is a GOD. Science studies Creation!!

    Desperately seeking knowledge about Creation and the intelligence behind Creation which is God. It's a good thing God has a sense of humour he must laugh at us peabrains all the time.

                            Have a great Day!

  30. ah,

    Just for you to know the truth

    There have to be a purpose for life otherwise we will miss the peaceful path of happiness so we want to be just better everyday

    So, spiritually, what is God? , What’s makes God as god? , What is God’s Power? , For all sort of these questions, I have very limited understanding so Let me give you the point. Well, just try to know, what’s makes God as god, the Power, isn’t it? So what the power can do? Ah? Well, it can give the ability to organise all things & it can give the ability to separate everything and most importantly, the Ability to control everything, isn’t it? Isn’t it good? Ah? So, what I try to say here is, from my hard study and research effort with the help from god, I realized that the ability to control everything, the Power of God is gradually increased in the full amount to use so; The Power of God is always the omnipotent and existed among everything. & The God now is always the same omnipotent for us, who is organised us and we are growing towards perfection. The perfection is the final stage, not the end. & The Power of God, the Ability is the reward for us to control everything in a proper manner, like the true God of goodness. & Everlasting Happiness is the final stage. & it cannot come alone without the final stage perfection of God. & if god always perfect in perfection then there have to be beginning with God for the organizing progress of all things. So, there is No end and also No beginning for all things, including this on going organizing progress. So we cannot get anything from nothing. & how could that be possible to be perfect in perfection always, ah…? No way has the perfection of god come first or the growth towards perfection. There is No End and there is No beginning and so the Ability is for the Love of Joy & ~ LOVE IS THE ABILITY ~

    If you don’t still agree, then note this important point: - you can use any thing for Good or Bad so, whenever possible If you ask the god for the good reason to give you the ability perfection, because of your obedience, then the God will give you, if the god is good and Almighty. Simple logical prove (the evidence) for this concept. So,

    If you are humble, please... Pray to know the truth from true God by the inspiration of the Holy Spirit with great faith and. Good in Bad & Bad in Good so the values are most important. God gave us the rights to do what is right for you & sometimes, things can be right in your point of view but wrong in Public point of view so Basically, just pray about it for the Good Answer and try to do the God's will first always & If you think, why so much trouble and pain in this world…? Then there is only one reason, without pain, No pleasure and without pleasure, no pain. So without them, we cannot enjoy this life so always we need them in our development towards the perfection of God. So-so you use pain and pleasure instead of pain and pleasure use you. I mean the vision of your future should be clear & it have to pull you rather than you have to push so you must link a lot of pleasure in order to succeed in the Best job. When you feel strong enough links a lot of pleasure in your subconscious mind and your desire for success should be greater than your fear of failure. & It is wonderful nature for us by the true God. And we all make mistakes so it is hard to look for star in daylight. So just in faith… it is possible. Like that the faith in true God. &  If you think, even expert can be wrong then you have to make the fine research in all most everything so It is hard and some time, it is impossible to achieve so Why we need inappropriate action to find the owner of higher power? So, because of Lack of faith in true God, we do not have the great gift of understanding of things. & All things are spiritually first, to govern by God with glory so closely, Have a look at this world of wonders of yours and then you know the truth, when you listen to your real voice and then Having a strong desire to do the best every day then stick with the best to do your best. And most importantly, try to be grateful for what you have now & try to know where you come from to have the great gift of understanding and then, have the faith to become the best winner in your life. & The Law of mercy cannot rob the Law of justice so Justice demands the punishment of our sin but The Law of mercy requires the forgiveness to give to us and God is perfect in perfection so cannot violate his laws so The God provided the way to our salvation to overcome our sin so Jesus Christ sacrifice is much needed to return to live with God, so Jesus Christ is our savior.

    Well, It is the time to make the great decision.

    Good luck.

    The power is focus with the great mindset

    If you are interested, Please visit to the web side  & if you find this useful, please help others. Thanks.

  31. Nope, more of a philosophical question than scientific.  Although creationists argue that the way nature is perfectly designed is proof of god, this is debatable.

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