
Can Shermar Bracey make it back to the NFL?

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Bracey plays RB for the Sasketchewan Roughriders, how long would it take him to get back to the NFL? I'd like to see him become a big name someday.




  1. The United States is hoping to set up missile defense sites in Poland and the Czech Republic. The system would combine long-range radar and ballistic rockets, with the aim of detecting and shooting down missiles fired from the Middle East.

    Jacek Kucharczyk, the deputy head of a Warsaw think tank, the Institute of Public Affairs, said Sikorski's departure was unlikely to affect Warsaw's general stance on missile defense, or its support for U.S. missions in Iraq and Afghanistan.

  2. i think he a few years

  3. Well he has had his injuries, but there are CFL RBs who put up a lot better numbers than him this past season. If if can stay healthy next season maybe he will have a better chance to show what he's got. He has a definite shot at starting as AFAIK Kenton Keith was signed by the Colts.

  4. I hate to break this to you, but if he ever makes it to the NFL, which I highly doubt, it will be as a backup or special teams player. Except for Warren Moon, no one has ever come down here to the NFL from Canada and "become a big name", and Moon went to a big school, the University of Washington, so he played against future NFL players.

    Ricky Ray, the best QB in the CFL couldn't even stick as a third stringer for the Jets. Dieter Brock was a dismal flop in the '80s with the Rams. Doug Flutie was maybe the CFL's best QB ever and he was very mediocre here. I've never heard of this Bracey dude, but I'd advise him to stay in Canada. If you want to see the difference between the CFL and real football, watch the Super Bowl this Sunday.

  5. probably in a few years..

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