
Can Single people?

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  1. Yes they can

  2. Yes, I adopted 2 wonderful children!

  3. Typically, yes.  However, I understand that there may be certain countries that will not allow single people to adopt when it comes to international adoptions.  The best advice I can give you if you are considering adoption is to speak to a local reputable adoption agency.  They can tell you what your state requires and any other regulations or guidelines that pertain to the type of adoption you are considering.

    Good luck to you.

  4. Yes.  My cousin is single, in her mid thirties and she has adopted three children from Russia.

  5. yes they can. where i am from its called foster to adopt. Which gives you and the child time to bond. The when that child becomes ready to adopt you get first pick.

  6. Yes! I did from Russia. Good luck.

  7. yeah I think u can


  9. This is a simple question, but it does not have a simple answer.  To just answer the question, yes single people can adopt, but it depends on other factors.  Are they financially stable?  Can they pass a background check?  Can they pass a home study?

  10. Yes, in some cases they can.  HOWEVER...

    Adopted children need extra care.  They have been separated from their mothers which, whether necessary or not, is a trauma to the child.  It is this separation which can (and often does) manifest as lifelong attachment and abandonment issues.  

    The last thing these children need is to spend their infancy &/or childhood also separated from their adoptive parent(s) as well - daycare, nanny care, etc.  Bonding and attachment is a much more intensive endeavor for adoptive parents.  

    Unless the single adopter is financially able to stay at home for at least the first three years, I strongly feel they should not adopt.  My opinion, of course, also applies to adoptive couples when they both work.

    Another reason (against single women adopting) is child abuse.  (No, I am not suggesting that single parents abuse their adopted children.)  But, in case you haven't noticed, the probability of child abuse and death resulting from child abuse is shockingly high by non-related male partners of the children's mothers.

    Dating is difficult enough when you have a child, and *any* single mother (adoptive or not) does expose her child to a higher risk of abuse by her future boyfriends or husband.  

    These are some of the reasons why more countries (like China) are not allowing adoption by single people.


    If (working) single people want to adopt, I would recommend they adopt older children from foster care who are school-aged, and adjust their working hours to be home when the children are not in school.

  11. After reading Julie's response, I have to say please read my very different perspective.  I adopted my daughter when she was 6 months old.  She never lived with her birth family.  Only in a baby hospital from her birth until I adopted her. I am a single mother and I took 3 months of maternity leave and then placed her in daycare when she was 9 months old.  My daughter and I are very bonded and she loves daycare.  She has always loved it from the beginning.  The time we do spend together is precious and filled with interactions that bond us very tightly.  She is a happy, loving child.  It may be that some children do not have such an easy adjustment as my daughter did.  but not all adopted babies have bonding problems or adjustment problems.  I think you should assume that they might, but it's simply not always the case.  I actually chose to adopt an infant rather than an older child because I thought that as a single, it would be more difficult to bond with an older child, and that I think an older child would have more adjusment problems and psychological scars that would need more attention than I could give as a working mother.  I believe I made the right choice.  Do a lot of research, get as many different perspectives as you can and as much information as you can, then make the decision for yourself.  By the way many foreign countries are starting to rule out single parent adoption not due to any evidence that single parents are bad, but due to cultural bias agains homosexuals adopting.  Most countries that do permit single parent adoption require statements that the single is heterosexual.  Also I think that most singles who have reached a place of financial and emotional stability to adopt (at least at the level of scrutiny for international adoption anyway), are not the type to attract child abusing boyfriends.  Most of the single adoptive moms that I know are extremely independent, financially independent and emotionally stable on their own and would never let the need for a boyfriend interfere with the safety of their child.
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