
Can SomeOne Tell Me The Basics Of Learning A BcakDrop On The Trampoline?!?

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  1. The Backdrop is a FORWARD motion.  This means the hips go forward and the back lands exactly where the feet were before takeoff.

    First you need to establish the position for landing.

    Imagine you are holding a big oversized beachball in your arms, lies on the trampoline and lift your legs to approximately 10O'clock, with a small bend at the knee.  Your head must be off the trampoline bed and your shoulders should be raised around your imaginary ball.


    No stand back up. place a small mattress or gym mat on the trampoline in the middle.

    Stand on it.

    Practise lifting your hips up and landing in the position you practiced above.

    Take away the mat.

    Stand in the centre of the trampoline - no bounces are needed, just LIFT the hips forward and into the backdrop position.

    Once you have established this from standing without any jarring of the back or whiplash around the neck, you are ready to start doing backdrops with bounces.

    For FULL instructions on all Trampoline moves including pictures and videos, go to this website and download the free ebook.

    Good Luck

  2. -Stand on the center of the tramp with you hands infront of you

    -Bend your knees

    -Jump straight up and try to land in the same spot that you started in

    -While in the air, try to become parellel with that tramp, straighten your legs, and keep your arms up

    -When you land you should look like this: o-l_/

    -When you bounce back up, keeping your legs straight and your arms up, scoop your legs under yourself

    -Try to land in the same spot with your legs slightly bent and your arms straight above your head.

    good luck =)

  3. You just basically, stand straight, and get at a comfortable height. And then when in the air, drop back so that you land on your back, and bend your knees and then that force should push you back up into the standing position.

    Or you can do a sit drop from it.

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