
Can Someone %90 Blind Get A Security Guard Card?

by  |  earlier

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My cousin, who is legally blind and can only see at most %10, can't drive, and has no security experience, tells me that he needs to take the day off of work to get a security card. I think this is highly doubtful, but then again I don't know for sure.

Keep in mind my cousin tells tall tales!!!




  1. The job of a security guard is simply to "observe and report". You don't have to be smart or in good shape, and you don't even need to have all your limbs intact since you're not usually expected to tackle anybody, but it's certainly doubtful anybody will hire a guard who's vision isn't reasonably decent. Then again, they don't bother doing vision tests when screening applicants for that job, so he might just be able to sneak through.

  2. this is funny chit dude.   90% blind??  ha ha ha.

    is he even working at this time? ha ha tell the poor dude to stay home and get money from the government on " ssi" or handicap funds"   he can get like $ 2000 per month.

    ha ha ha, guard card?   tell him to get a reality check dude

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