
Can Someone Give Me Some Hope?.Im A freshman..=\?

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well obviously im a freshman..

and i have went to public schools all my life til now..

i go to a private catholic school..and iv VERRY confused about everything.

not school work and stuff.

but like how to make friends and stuff..

i cant remember how..because (idk) i just never had that problem because people already knew me..

now im just wandering the halls maybe talking to a few people..

[and btw:its like the third day of school]

and im completely hopeless..

anyone have any highschool stories like this..?




  1. I know where your coming from because when i moved to where i live now i didn't know anyone! Meeting people really isn't that hard if you have the right attitude about it. Just be yourself and outgoing and show your personality. Be nice to everyone and just try to talk to more people! Don't will meet a ton of new kids..since it was only the 3rd day at school. Goodluck! :)

  2. I've been there. It wasn't that hard for me because the minute I walked in people started talking to me. Its not so easy to get used to it but you will get used to it as time goes by. The best you can so is be friendly and try to make conversation with people. Good Luck!

  3. lol.. idk.. lol.. just talk to anyone.. i made friends by just joining clubs and hangin out with people.. gettin to know others.. lol..

    sometimes it comes natural.. lol.. sometimes it doesnt just dont force friendship.. lol.. be urself  

  4. well....first of all you have to be yourself. when you need help withs something kindly ask someone for help and i sure hope that they're nice enough to help you too. don't be afraid to compliment anybody about anything. like if a girl that sits next to you has on some nice shoes or her hair is put up nice  gently tap her shoulders and compliment her. its a good way to start up a conversation and possibly make friends.

    whether its private or public, being a new kid is always hard. mostly because you're so used to all your old friends and trying to make new friends isn't easy and making new friends means learning who to put your trust in or who not to trust at all. that's hard to do.

    so just don't let down and be yourself and hope for the best. you'll eventually make friends.  

  5. Hmm high school. Haaa my freshman year was great =) i am sophomore now so its like awesome.

    Try making friends with people in your class. Like hey, i dont get this problem, what do i do? you know the usual.  

  6. Confidence!   Take this opportunity to create a you that has no baggage from the past.  The more friendly and outgoing you are the better and remember people can be great or totally mean spirited but if you exude confidence and believe in yourself people will want to be around you.  Good luck

  7. thats the worst been their just try to find anything in common and join after school clubs or sports

  8. Be yourself.

  9. me! i'm a freshie at a catholic school for the first time this year, and i've been to a catholic school all my life. school hasn't started for me yet, but we have orientation today, and my best advice is to smile and be nice to everyone. it'll pay off.

  10. how are you OBVIOUSLY a freshman?

  11. i am going to be a freshman this year, and

    i am just as nervous as you are. i know how

    you feel. good luck :)

  12. im going to be a freshman to look if you went to a regular school you will be way more experience than them and some stuff if you no what i mean

  13. yo im startin high skewl too. just like try to make a new image for yourslef, like something people will remember u by! lol and just have fun

  14. I'm going to a catholic high school too.

    but we start next week.

    but i think it will be easier making new friends at school, because my two best friends are going to the same school.  

    the things you have to do are:

    -smile at EVERYONE

    -ask questions

    -talk to the people who have the locker next to you

    -participate in class

    -don't make enemies

    -be yourself

    -hang out with the people you genuinely like, not just the "popular" group

    -don't be a part of drama.

    -try new experiences.

    -have self confidence

    -tell the truth

    so basically just do what you think is right.

  15. just be outgoing and have fun the right friends will *** at the right time

  16. i have been going  to a Catholic shoole for 11 years all you have to do is walk up to a person who looks looks like someoneyou'dd want to hang out with and say hi also remember God loves you  r going to aCatholicc shoole dont despare !  

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