
Can Someone Help me with my books?

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Recently, my friend recommended me some books and I never read them( I had to read Left To Tell by Immaculee Ilibaggiza, and To Kill A Mockingbird by Harper Lee) What was basically the books about? Who was the main characters? What the basic facts about the books? I'll feel really bad if I don't get any facts about it, please help me.




  1. TKAM is a great book. A basic overview of it would be that it's from the perspective of a kid named Scout, who's father, Atticus Finch, is a lawyer who was assigned by the town to defend a black man who was accused of rape. Of course, since this was back in like, the 1930's, everyone in the town expected Atticus to blow off the trial and not really defend him. Atticus however, decides that being black doesn't make him any less of a man then the others in the town, and puts a lot of effort into defending him. This doesn't go very well with the townsfolk, and the book is basically how Scout deals with this situation.

    It's a great book, and sorry, but I don't really want to spoil it and give you the ending, so there's your summary.

  2. lol... your such a cheat

    but sorry i cant help you

    i read to kill a mockingbird a looooonng time ago

    so i dont remember the details just that it was about racism..and i dont really remember

    maybe soemone else can help

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