
Can Someone Interpret This Dream?(Serious people.)?

by  |  earlier

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ok , i keep this "dream diary" and , last night i had this dream where this random guy calls me from a radio station (they were picking random people at the time =] ) and they just so happend to call me ,so i picked up and he offered me a free trip to cancun or hawaii,but i said no! then i hung up....buuut after awhile i realized what iv'e done (lol) and i guess i really did want to go but i tried calling back , but i just couldn't reach them (lol)

and im not shure what this dream means ,everyone's dream all has to mean at least one thing can anyone tell me ??

serious answers greatly appreciated!




  1. This dream likely relates to someone in your past whom you either did not pursue the relationship or let the relationship end.  You had some second thoughts about it but knew it would be useless to pursue it now even though you tried.

  2. trip to Hawaii or Cancun = desire

    hung up = rejection

    tried to call back but couldn't = lack of control

    It seems like that you have a regret conscience in life. You are feeling lack of control and feeling resentment about things you have or have not done in life. You feel that your rejection may be a wrong decision.  Projecting the scenario of winning but not getting it suggests a couple of things.

    1. You may be indecisive about things in life. You may be feeling uncertain about lots of things

    2. You feel insecure.  Maybe you are losing trust about people around you whether you know them or not.

    Those things contribute the regret conscience in you.  Basically your dream reflects your feeling in your waking life.

  3. imo, it is probably a metaphorical expression of something that you regret not having tried(or done)  in the past, or of something that you are about to regret doing.

    keeping a dream diary is a very clever thing to do, kudos.

  4. You may be having some problems with making decisions right now. It could mean your not feeling sure about yourself in every area or just one part of your life, like in a relationship or at work, etc. It is also telling you to think before you speak or act, maybe you are being a bit impulsive right now. When you make a decision, just think about the pros and cons before you act, not after because often you can't undo what you just did.

  5. I'm thinking there's more to the dream than you've written here. there was probably some reasoning in the dream you used to say "no" but now you cant remember it.

  6. I'm not an expert or anything, but I would say that this has to do with a missed opportunity. Has this happened to you in real life recently?

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