
Can Someone Please rate my deck, its tournanment legal/ my deck contains Monsters: 31/spell: 14/Trap: 15?

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This deck is focuses on getting strong level monsters to the field while utilizing trap cards primarily for defense


Penguin Soldier

Decoy Dragon x 2

Morphing Jar

Man-Eater Bug

Armed Dragon LV3 x 2

Twin-Headed Behemoth

Masked Dragon x 2

Exiled Force

Kaiser Sea Horse x 3

Herald of Creation

The Dragon Dwelling in the cave

Red Gadget

Yellow Gadget

Green Gadget

Armed Dragon LV5 x2


Darkblaze Dragon x 2

Armed Dragon LV7

Gilford the Lightning

Ancient Gear Gadjiltron Dragon

Blue-Eyes White Dragon x 2

Felgrand Dragon x 2


Barrel Behind the Door

Black horn of heaven

Bottomless trap hole

Draining Shield

dust tornado

hidden book of spell

magic cylinder

magic jammer

negate attack

rope of life

sakuretsu armor x 3

shadow spell

trap hole


axe of despair

enemy controller

hammer shot

lightning vortex

malevolent nuzzler

mausoleum of the emperor

monster reborn

mystik wok

pot of avarice

premature burial


soul exchange

the shallow grave





  1. maybe you should try monster with flip effects like medusa worm, hane-hane, man eater bug, guardian statue and many more.

  2. I like how this looks. My only advice is to remove about ten to fifteen cards. 60 cards is brilliant for Magic: The Gathering (it's the minimum there, n.n;), but not for Yu-Gi-Oh. It's just too much. While you're sitting there waiting for your good cards, your opponent already has his.


  3. Too many monsters, Gadgets need their own deck, too many cards, useless cards and.....oh yeah, TOO many cards.

    Keep it as close to 40 as possible, that's what the Side Deck is for (15 extras for match duels).

    Monsters: 21

    1 Ancient Gear Gadjiltron Dragon

    2 Blue-Eyes White Dragon

    1 Armed Dragon LV7

    2 Armed Dragon LV5

    1 Herald of Creation

    2 Kaiser Seahorse

    1 Twin-Headed Behemoth

    2 Masked Dragon

    1 The Dragon Dwelling in the Cave

    3 Armed Dragon LV3

    1 Exiled Force

    1 Penguin Soldier

    1 Morphing Jar

    1 Man-Eater Bug

    1 Decoy Dragon

    Spells: 12

    2 Trade-In

    1 Lightning Vortex

    1 Hammer Shot

    1 Heavy Storm

    1 Mystical Space Typhoon

    1 Monster Reborn

    1 Premature Burial

    1 Brain Control

    1 Soul Exchange

    2 Enemy Controller

    Traps: 7

    1 Torrential Tribute

    2 Dust Tornado

    2 Bottomless Trap Hole

    2 Sakuretsu Armor

    Total: 40 cards

    This is a semi-dragon build of the cards you provided along with a few extras that aren't that difficult to come by.

    If you have any questions, feel free to e-mail me and I'll try to help.

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