
Can Someone Read my Natal/Birth Chart for me?

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  1. No

  2. Yifei,

    You were born a few days before new moon, when the moon was in the last stages of her cycle and almost completely invisible in the night's sky. This is the Balsamic Moon and is associated with great sensitivity and compassion, deep insight into human nature and spirituality. Your impressions of people run deep and often enable you to tell the sort of life a person is moving towards just by being close to them. Dispite your insights, you are many times misunderstood by other people. Your aspirations might not line up with your background or appearance. What's important is that you belive in yourself and in your intuition. It will guide you towards your dreams and affirm your role in the world.

    The three major components, Sun, Moon and Ascendant, are in earth signs. Saturn, the ruler of your Ascendant is positioned in the 2nd house, an earth house as well. Practicality, being grounded, real life experience, and keen understanding are critical issues for you. They support the work you do and the loyalty, dedication and service you are able to offer the world. It's easy for you to forget about constantly questioning yourself and reassessing what you are doing. Too much work can cause your vision to become narrow and your expectations to drop below your capabilities.

    Having the Sun in the fifth house is favorable for romance as well as children and all sorts of creative interests. The Moon's position on the 4th house cusp is very maternal and indicates a deep bond towards family and close friends. Mars, Venus and the Moon's Node form a Grand Trine in Fire, indicating a natural attraction towards the opposite s*x and a focus on expressing your idealism and hopes for a better world through some involvement in organizations or groups that promote values you believe in.

    Your early experiences of authority could have been very challanging. Pluto opposes your Sun which can indicate that you have a lot of work to do to rise above feelings of playing either the victim or the aggressor when it comes to working closely with other people. Try to see what's best for both you and the other person and strive for a win/win situation. It will be a life renewing experience for you to grant other people the freedom and control you seek yourself. Your Capricorn Ascendant is traditional, ambitious and needs mountains to climb that are worthy of you talent. Pick your goals wisely and use your intuition to guide each step you take.

  3. It is very hard to see,but it appears your asc is will advance very well in your life,with lots of unexpected events.more good than bad,i do see a female child around you and two boys still spirit.also a female relative with dark hair worries about blessed

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