
Can Someone tell me what this plant is called? I have one and need to know how to care for it..?

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  1. It is a Bromeliad.  It needs bright indirect light and keep the media it is potted in evenly moist but not soggy.  They flower only once on a growth- you should see new growth as the flower starts to fade.  They are not the easiest to re-flower.  If you are interested, there are quite a few Bromeliad groups on the internet.

  2. thats a bromeliad. its an indoor plant, but can be grown outdoors in comfortable temps. water it in the center, it seems to like it and make it make more plants and flowers. some are thorny so watch out. really nice in a good pot

  3. It’s a “Bromeliad” (Bromeliaceae) – a rosette-forming tropical plant that absorbs most of its food and moisture through its leaves rather than its roots. They are usually epiphytic but in nature can be forced to grow on the ground in soil and hence a common houseplant. They need bright filtered light or a few hours of direct sun a day. Water moderately and keep the center “cup” (where the flower originates) filled with water. Once a month empty the “cup” of the stagnant water and fill it with fresh water. Although they last a very long time as houseplants – once they flower, they die. They will usually send out side-shoots which can be left as they are – removing the mother plant, when it has shriveled up or the side-shoots can be removed and planted on their own, in SMALL pots. They do not need a great deal of soil.

    Nice healthy plant you have there.

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