
Can South Africa influence Mugabe to quit?

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The situation of the people seems hopeless. Of the neighbours only S.A. can make this despot listen.




  1. The S A regime have no intention of trying to oust Mugabe, they are sympathetic to Mugabe and even adopt some of the policies of the Mugabe Government. They have recently passed a policy of land reform which dictates that farm land owned by white farmers is to be re distributed to blacks. This is exactly what Mugabe did and the reason why no food is being grown in Zimbabwe,and why the people are starving to death. The new land owners are incapable of running large farms and land is being left to revert to bush land and scrub.

    Mugabe has taken Zimbabwe from a healthy, wealthy country which produced enough food to feed half of Africa, into a

    starving, broken and desperate country in just 25 years.

    I would put money on SA going the same way inside the next 20 years.

  2. Only if President Thabo Mbeki gets tough & follow his peoples example, when the ports refused to allow a Chinese ship to import weapons headed for Zibabwe so Mugabe could use them against his own people.  (source):

    The African Union & other African Nations including South Africa must stand firm together & officially declare the 2nd Zimbabwe election illegitimate, due to the violence & illegal arrests, plus the people had spoken in the 1st election, loud & clear by giving a slight majority of votes to the MDC leader .  They must use their economic ablilities to sanction an import/export stopage & disallow China to continue doing business as usual.

  3. a few days ago i wrote about mugabe, isaid that mugabe will win the election by fair means or foul and he will do.i am beginning to think that the other african nations are waiting for a civil war to start,and after the chaos bravely move into zimbabwe bulldoze the millions of dead bodies into big trenches then sort the land out for farming and start making money for the country,i think the mdc man should have stayed and fought mugabe even to a bloody end .it would have given his countrya good chance,now there is nothing.

  4. South Africa's main problem is that their present leader, Mbeki, is just about as useless and dithering as Gordon Brown. If RSA does get a powerful and decisive leader it could undermine the dreadful old monster in a couple of months.

  5. No.

  6. How on earth can a country like South Africa stand by and watch a megalomaniac geriatric like Robert Mugabe make southern Africa the laughing stock of the human race!No one knows!How can anyone with an ounce of compassion standby and watch a civilised country deny it's citizens the right of free speech and the right to to elect a government of the majority of the people!What is actually being enacted is southern Africa at it's worst!This betrayal of common decency will be a stain on the continent long after the likes of Mugabe is gone!I have often wondered!In view of his enhanced age! Is their some medical problem behind all this??!Or is it the dark side of his nature??

  7. why doesn't England just colonise them again

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