
Can Stem cell research be done on embryos from abortion clinics?

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Can Stem cell research be done on embryos from abortion clinics?




  1. A lot of that answer depends on how the abortion is done. If the fetus/embryo is destroyed (chemical or physical death, which most of them are), then definitely not. If it was an early stage one where it was just a small bunch of cells and could be taken out with a syringe or forceps, I suppose it could... but then it would need the mother's consent beforehand and that would oftentimes help her to realize that the embryo is the makings of a real person and could make it much harder for her to go through with it (women who go through with abortions can have regret if they think that they killed their child).

    You could always mention the idea to a local abortion clinic and see if they would be able to do it... you never know until you ask.  ;-)

  2. Aborted fetal tissue. Abortion clinics make a lot of money by selling body parts of the babies they abort, to medical research facilities and universities. One of the uses for these human body parts (is harvesting) the stem cells.  

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