
Can THC be flushed out for the day?

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Like, if one has THC in their system and as soon as they wake up they drink water, and keep drinking water, and keep drinking water, by mid to late day will the THC be gone for that day? Also, how long would it take to completely rid a female 5'9 125 lbs. of THC? Lets say, smoking more often than not for the past year or so, how long?




  1. The only way i know that you can flush it out in a day is to buy a cleanser online or at some speciality store and they are vey expensive so unless you can get 80 plus dollars and order the stuff ahead of time then there isnt a way.

  2. No it cant.  Actually if you smoked daily for the last month or so it would take up to a month for a urine test to be clean.  Conversely if its a blood test it would take 3-7 days.  A hair analysis test with daily usage could take up to 3 yrs.  It all depends on circumstance.  Naturally if you dont smoke that often then it would take about 1/3 of each time.  Good luck.

  3. I've had friends who have tried to flush out their systems with Niacin. You can find it in energy drinks or as a pill. I don't know if it actually works though.

  4. if you dont do anything, it takes 6-10 days to rid your body of THC. but if you drink lots to flush your body, it could be gone in as nearly as 2 days. i have never heard of it being gone the day after, but i guess youll have to try it. just drink juices that will help flush your system, like cranberry juice, apple juice, ect. i have also heard of people using energy drinks like monster and rockstar. good luck

  5. Since everyone has a different metabolism, it is hard to tell how long it will be in your system.  THC is stored in fat cells, but you seem to be pretty healthy, so you would probably be on the low end of the detection period.  

    Here are detection times according to, a pretty  handy website.

    Single Use: 1-6 days

    Weekly use:  3-9 days

    Daily use: 7-30 days

    I have heard that drinking too much water can result in dilution of the urine sample, which would mean the test would be void and you would have to take another test.  It would be obvious you are trying to cover it up.  

    My advice is to drink about a gallon of water a day until your test and also try to exercise before.  It worked for me, and I had smoked about 4 days before my drug test for work.   I wasn't a heavy user back then though.

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