
Can TMJ can be fixed if it just started?

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I just moved my jaw around the other day, my left jaw keeps catching now. I've read if new symptoms develop a dentist or doctor can "snap" the joint into place if done early on? How is that done, and is this what I should do?




  1. Having suffered from TMJD for years and having researched this extensively, here is my advice.  Find a massage therapist trained to do manual release techniques.  They will put on a glove and go inside your mouth.  They don't move or pop anything, but rather massage the muscles causing your jaw to pop or lock up.  In addition, there are a few (not all) chiropractors who can do the same but also adjust your neck and get things back in alignment.  The chiropractor is still a good idea for neck adjustments, but don't let him/her in your mouth if they haven't done this many times before.

    TMJD is caused from calcium deficency, but the problem becomes apparent when the muscles in your mouth start knotting up.  These knots are called trigger points.  Massaging them out will bring relief and relax your jaw enabling it to function as it should.

    Another option is braces, but that takes a long time to work.  Being only 16 when I sought treatment, I ended up taking this route.  After a few months I did feel better and eventually regained full function of my jaw and no pain.  I wish I would have known now what I didn't know then.

    Do some research into massage therapy and TMJD and chiropractic and TMJD.  With this being a new problem, you can probably get back to normal after just a few visits.

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