This is hard to explain, but I really need to know, so bare with me....
I had a serious case of depression, for a little over a year, I did a lot of self harming during that time, and because of that in March of 08, i was admitted to a Mental Health Unit for four days. I was admitted because, I cut myself, really badly, and over dosed (two days in a row), now despite everyone thinking i was trying to kill myself, i wasn't. That was never my intention, which is why I called 911 the second day. Long story short, I am going into my sophomore year in college, as an Administration of Justice major, and want to join the LAPD when age permits. Oh, and i haven't had any sort of relapse since, and am extremely grateful with where I am in life, and I was admitted the the MHU when I was 18.
Will all/any of this disqualify me from being able to join?