
Can Tiger switch to lefty?

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A right hander pivots on his left knee. If surgery can't fix his left knee, does Tiger have it within him to switch to lefty and use his other good knee for pivoting?

Rocky Balboa switched because of a bad eye on one side. Will Tiger switch because of a bad knee one one side? Will he find a manager like Mickey to train him?

Tiger might actually get better if he switches. I've heard it said that right handers benefit from switching to lefty. The strongest hand is used for power and the weaker hand is used only to guide. Therefore, right handed people should have their right hand up front by hitting as a lefty. I believe this is why Phil Mickelson switched.

What do you think? Or better yet, Tiger, if you or your friends read Ask Yahoo and this question reaches you, what is your answer? Remember Mickey's words....What is this word, can't?




  1. No.

  2. there is no way in h**l tiger will ever switch to lefty. he would have to re-learn the whole entire game and that could take him the rest of his life so he would never play in a pro tournament again

  3. sounds like the making of a bad sports radio discussion. Caller 2, what do you think?

  4. Let me get this want the greatest golfer of all time to switch to lefty...ya im sure that would be a good move


  5. tiger has hit lefty WITH a right handed club DURING a tournament before...his swing is just as pretty lefty too.  Maybe you guys should think before saying he couldnt.

  6. Rocky Balboa was a stupid movie. At the age of 32 you cant start over on a golf swing from the other side.

    Tiger is great but not fiction.

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