
Can Time Change Things?

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can time and space between two people who broke up possibly allow them to start fresh later on? if so, how much do you think would be a good amount of time

i had an ex who was wonderful, but it just seemed like wrong place, wrong time as she went through argruably the worst time in her life, and we ended up falling apart, i would like to try it again with her, but right now, she cant seem to get past our past, so i want to kno if time and space could allow for a kind of restart to our relationship.




  1. In some cases yes. I just starting dating some1 (again) who I've known 13 years. Over time we said & did some REAL mean to each other but we always  somehow ended up back together & finally became a couple & lovers after 12 years last year. Then a "tragedy" occurred & he didn't speak to me for a while & now he wants to date me again. I guess that HAS to be fate but it's not true in all cases. I had to give him time & be patient while he was thinking & working things through. I hope it was worth it.

  2. time can always change things. if it was the wrong place wrong time the first time around, doesnt mean it cant work again. she might realize she misses you later on. i personally have had relationships rekindle years after our previous relationship ended.

  3. Nope...if you guys do get back together it'll happen by itself.

  4. time and space heals all wounds

  5. Obviously she sees you as not a promising future. So, she does not want to waste time trying out again. Respect her for that. Time wl only change on thing- feelings.  

  6. i don't think time will change much.... i mean, it gives you time to think things over and time to mature. but at the same time she may be holding a grudge about what happened. and like someone else said, she's an ex for a reason. and perhaps she's moved on, and knows/thinks she did the best thing for you guys. i can speak from experience, that my ex wanted me back, and thought things would work out later on...but at that point, i had already moved on, and ultimately i had no reason to get back together with him. i know this is probably not what you want to here : / but it's probably the truth...

  7. Yes! Time is good, it changes people for better or worse. Youll have to convince her that youre a better person.

  8. most likely not. its possible, but she's your ex for a reason. what does she think?

  9. i dont think so... maybe.

  10. sometimes.

    if she really loves you. then this would be like a break fer you. when you love things/people you let them fly away&&if they love you to they would fly back to you when the time is right.

    im still kind waitin fer the time to come to!


    i hope you to get back together if it was meant to be!

    goood luckk :D

  11. i'd like to think so. I really think you can, time makes you get over some stuff, well kinda it just doesnt feel as fresh. If you guys still feel for each other after awhile give it a try, just leave the past (if painful) in the past.

  12. Hi Eric!

    Yes, I know how you feel and time and chance can play quite an important role other than compatibility with one another.

    My answer to your question will be YES, but don't bet on it.

    We really cannot tell what the future may hold. I once felt the same way that you feel about your ex now but as time passed, as we grew apart, as I met more girls I realised that she may not be what I actually wanted in a partner.

    I'm now married with another girl and I would say if I had married her, I may not be as happy as I am now.

    I suggest that you keep her as a friend for now and keep your options open, do not stress yourself (or her) about getting back together. If it happens, great! but if it doesn't and if you (or her) find someone else, you should still be happy for each other.

    However, if you really feel that she IS THE ONE (sometimes some people have strong feelings about such things) then still be beside her to be a friend and a support for her now to help her through her difficult time and HOPEFULLY she when she is ready she'll be touched by your sincerity. Please bear in mind that this can turn the otherway (she gets well, she finds someone else and you eventually find someone else).

    There is no fixed time on how long it will take for her to be ready to start afresh with you, it varies from person to person. You'll just have to be there when she is ready! that is why i suggest that you stay as her good friend (if you can, BEST friend) for now.

    Good Luck with this one!

  13. From my personal experience pal, girls who get out of a relationship and opt for the time apart thing never come back.  They either meet someone else or become very independant to the point that they want their total freedom.  It doesn't help when they've got friends and family pushing them to "get out there and do things".  Not that there is anything wrong with that. Just from what I've experienced, its never turned out good for me.

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