
Can Twenty20 conquer World Sport?

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Can Twenty20 conquer not only over ODI and Test cricket but also over other sports like soccer and tennis?





    every good game is worth 2-3 hours, in this passage of life people dont like games more than that.

  2. s it will

  3. yes

  4. If it is going to concur all sports it would take some time we're talking about a sport that is played in pretty much every country and is main sport in most if it is to it'll take some time.

  5. Multi $100 millions are being put into Twenty20 and maybe more billionaires are wanting some action. It seems inevitable that 20/20 will take over cricket. Its money will turn tests and ODIs into poor relations and maybe kill them off. The present 20/20 (IPL) players, in the main, are test cricketers, some of whom have expressed an interest in grabbing the money while they can and no longer bothering with the older games. If the gaps in test teams and ODIs have to be filled with mediocre players the public's interest will decline and cricket will be of less interest at club and county level. Inferior players making up national teams has a negative effect - consider how West Indies have gone from the top to near the bottom. Despite my lifelong interest in cricket I would have no interest in two second-rate teams playing an Ashes series. The 20/20 have found good players in present test teams but will they find them in mediocre test teams of the future. Of course, they will find some and buy them up leading to a further decline in test teams. Where will future 20/20 players come from?

    So, it is very likely that 20/20 will oust tests and ODIs but in so doing suffer a decline in its own quality. In conquering the other cricket codes it weakens itself. Rather than conquer sports in countries that have never heard of cricket it may struggle to exist of itself, particularly if the present entrepreneurs see a limited future in 20/20 in the few cricketing nations and look for richer pickings in world-wide sports.

  6. Twenty20 will surpass ODI cricket in terms of popularity, that's for sure.  But it won't conquer Test cricket because the players won't let it.  Time after time, international cricketers have always said that their number one priority is Test cricket and I think that will stay the same.

    The Ashes series in England of 2005 had heaps more popularity in Australia than the IPL has had so far.  The newspapers have hardly had anything about the IPL, even when Aussies have been doing well.

    I think Twenty20 will just become a craze that will eventually drop off when people get sick of it and turn back to traditional cricket.  Twenty20 doesn't show the real skills of cricket which is why it won't last.

    And as it for it conquering world soccer.  Not a chance in the world.  Soccer is so much bigger than cricket you can't even comprehend it; and I like cricket more than soccer.

  7. I think soccer will not give space to cricket.

  8. Nah!!! soccer is way up there.

  9. It can't even conquer ODIs.I don saying I hate T20.I like very much.But it can't top ODIs which is a oldest form of a game.ODI is the all time best.

  10. T20 is a good way of getting new people interested in the game, especially those who say Tests and ODI's are boring and too long. It is very enjoyable to watch too!

  11. well cricket is a lot more popular than tennis anyway. criket is the fastest growing sport in terms of power, money and popularity and is the secong most popular sport. 20-20 will defintely rocket the popularity of cricket with the younger generation, and it will rival football in the next 10-20 years

  12. i hope it does

    because crcicket gonna be famous

  13. Yes for suer but it will take some time

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