
Can U tell me if i need a scope or not on my airsoft gun???

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ON my airsoft gun i wanted to get a scope it shoots 370 fps M4 Carbine and i play in the woods and my eyes arent that good so what scope should i get with wat kind of magnification and if i need a scope and not a red dot?




  1. I would suggest not getting a scope while 370fps is fast it is nowhere near a .22cal rifle and the 22cal is usually not given a scope or red dot

    it is assumed that you will be shooting within 50 yards usually 25-30 or closer and at that range a scope is more trouble that it is worth...

    if your eyes are bad a scope will not always help and can make matters worse as they limit light input to the eye...and unless you  

    plan to put a 500$  scope on your 90$ replica it seems you would do better with good sport specs so to protect your eyes and see better.

    and finally as a 22cal hunter of squirrels it is often counter productive to use a scope as you then forget to use/watch with your

    peripheral vision ...missing other things...

    But if you must have a scope peer pressure and all, keep it simple

    a 2-3 power should be more than adequate ...

    look into a better set of open sights or just a front covered sight

    as in a small tube with a bead inside it can help a lot ...

    finally again,  remember your shot will rise then fall onto your target

    if you can watch your shot you will soon learn to shoot more instinctively and thats always better than a scope with small caliber

    and air rifles....good luck

    as a kid I could hip shoot the larger grasshoppers from 20 ft with my daisy BB gun the third shot was usually the one as I could watch my shots and adjust ...a few were hit first try. practice etc etc etc .

  2. Airsoft bullets are to light the wind takes them the accuracy of the scope is off I would say no

  3. No. Its a waste of money. Use the iron sights.

    The magnification won't really help you at all since the gun isn't powerful enough to shoot an appropriate distance.

    And a red dot would be even worse.

  4. has some great airsoft scopes.

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