
Can USA presidential nominees change their vp selections? if so, what is the time frame for that?

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the Yellow One - since you brought up names..

and how does this work in palin's favor? it shines a glaring light on her religious politic of 'abstinence only' birth control. and who is palin to define the 'right way' of handling this kind of situation in every family. not every usa citizen believes as she does, but she will punish them with her belief system.




  1. honestly not sure.. i'm wondering if she'll drop out

  2. I don't think that they would want to, because it would make them look silly.

    Sarah Palin is not and should not drop out. This works more in her favour than against, because it re-enforces the Conservative values that she stands for. She and her family are handling the situation the right way.

    Unlike Obama who said that he didn't want his daughters to 'be punished' with a baby.

    Conservative values are about accountability and responsibility.

  3. In 1972 Eye worked in my first presidential campaign, although I was a couple of years too young to vote. I worked to help South Dakota Senator George McGovern defeat the scandalous d**k Nixon and the Evil Repukelicking Party.

    Senator McGovern had selected Thomas Eagleton, from Missouri I believe, as his running mate. That he had received electroshock treatment  for a personal issue in the past became a feasting fury for the GOP, who did not want a man who sought help for his emotional state to sleep a heart beat away from the White Guy's House. This type of person might not have the fortitude to rape and kill women and children, direct OUR money to the proper Manufacturers of Death, or continue the White Estates of America's stance as the Crips of the Western Hemisphere----wow, this kinda sounds like TODAY!!

    For this, Thomas Eagleton was tossed under the tanks and Sargent Shriver was the VP candidate left crying in November as the Fascists held onto the Presiduncy until Tricky Dickie's misdeeds led him to a San Clemente retirement of disgrace.

    The curious current Repukelicking Party choice for veep will surely face heavy scrutiny for her obvious lack of experience and the shocking three-ring mental circus in her head.

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