
Can V8 Juice cause diarrhea?

by Guest180  |  earlier

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Can 1 time a day of drinking V8 juice cause diarrhea?




  1. Guest57389

     I love V8. Delicious stuff. Haven't had it in a while. Smashed a big bottle and a half of another, with about half a bottle of Frank's hot sauce.


    Im sitting on the toilet right now, wondering where I went wrong in life... 


    It's like... When you watch one of those videos with a volcanic eruption and the molten lava runs down the side of the volcano, voiding its path from any life. It's like that, but not just once... This is my third trip. I'm afraid to sneeze...  I assume (pun intended) I'll be here until my body is depleted of all fluids and there's nothing left but heartache, regret, and the good intention of drinking something healthy instead of...  idk like pop or something. Fml



  2. It's even worse if yoyu like to put some hot sauce in it!!!!!!!!!!!

  3. I'm glad I saw this! I drank one earlier today and had a tad bit of loose stools... didn't connect the two until I gulped down the better part of a second one, and proceeded to eat dinner. Wow. It's like a laxative, really.

  4. And how it does. Just had some V8 with my dinner and had to run immediately. Feel so miserable now that I wanted to know, if this was the reason. That's why found this site.

  5. If it happens "everytime", then why would you continue drinking it?

  6. Absolutely, one glass and I am sick as a dog

  7. I have had V8 on 2 separate occasions. The first time I had diarrhea and I thought it was just a bug.
    I recently had a little over a cup of it and had diarrhea.
    I would say that yes, it can cause diarrhea.

  8. Depends on how your body functions. If I drink it, It helps me with my bowl movements. But It works differently with everyone, because everyone on Earth has something different with there body. 5 of 10 Will get diarrhea. V8 has alot of Vitamins as well which can cause your intestines to use faster. Just remember It may taste delicious and the store may say its healthy but the truth is... its not all that healthy because "High Fructose Corn Syrup" Is with-in and that my friends is NOT HEALTHY, our body despises that.

  9. Yes it can for people with IBS. I get the s***s all time when I drink that V-Go c**p.

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