
Can Vancouver get any MORE boring for a teenager?

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I'm 17 and there is absolutely NOTHING to do apart from going to movies, and shopping.




  1. enjoying life has to do with doing something for yourself in the world of mental and physical activitys. Go to a museum learn something your brain will thank you for it.

  2. Places aren't boring... only people.

  3. lots of parks arenas  beaches  I raised 2 kids here they like it

  4. Hm... that's strange. I've lived all over Canada, and Vancouver is, for me, the best. It does have a lot to offer, but you've got to take advantage of what's there. If you're into nature, the hiking is incredible. If you're into music, there are some great festivals (the Vancouver Folk Festival is one of the best in the world--incredible music from all over the place, right in Jericho Park). If you're into theatre, there are lots of new and old places to see great shows. Though it's not as great as, say, Canada's Wonderland, the PNE does at least have rides, etc, over the summer.

    If you imagine living in another city, what benefits would it have over Vancouver? It may be that what you're looking for is already there... and I wish you the best in finding it!

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