
Can -Vegans- eat Egg Whites?

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I thought that you couldn't eat any part of the egg whatsoever, but my friend is telling me that you can eat the whites...




  1. Vegans don't eat ANY animal products.  Eggs are animal products, even the egg whites.

  2. No absolutely not.

    Your friend is misunderstanding the nature of veganism at all. It is to avoid animal products, period. The entire egg and everything in it is an animal product.

    She might be mistakenly thinking that the yolk (which she might think is the unborn chick) is "meat" while the rest is not. This is kind of simplistic, child-like thinking about eggs that some people never get over. In reality eggs are not life in the least bit, they are like a woman's period in a sense - the hen will lay eggs a few times a week, and if they are not fertilized, they will never be chicks. It will remain an unfertilized egg (human women shed their unfertilized eggs once a month, THANKFULLY! I'm enough of a b-word without it).

    The only reason eggs are not permitted to vegans are because chickens are not just our property, they are not alive just solely to lay eggs that we can exploit from them and sell for profit. It's part of their biological cycle of reproduction and we have taken the role of God in a sense. Egg production has become factory-like, with chickens clustered by the thousands in warehouses, 95% of the time in extremely restrictive cages, where they do nothing but are force fed and then electrocuted and shocked into producing eggs. They are all malnourished, diseased and frail. Even organic only means that the chicken ate organic feed while it made the eggs, it does not guarantee any sort of humanity. Free range and cage free are a pipe dream, unless you know and trust the source personally (like a local farm). Cage-free hens stand beak to rear in warehouses, they just remove the cages. Free range can be good depending on where you go.

    Oftentimes there are no regulations, nobody really goes to check and make sure that the chickens are free range or cage free, and there's no estimate how many minutes a day the chicken can truly be "free" to be labeled cage free. It's kind of ridiculous if you actually look into it. If it's a commercial egg farm and you can find it in a chain store, odds are they are profit-minded, with multiple farms as sources of their eggs, and there is no guarantee, PERIOD, that's it's cruelty free. Odds are greatly in favor of the fact that the hen was treated despicably.

    I think it's admirable when people raise their own hens or acquire eggs locally, where they can see and acknowledge the animals and know that they are treated in a way they'd personally agree with. That is the only circumstance that I think eating eggs makes any sense to me.

  3. NO vegans do not eat egg whites.egg whites are parts of an egg and eggs come from chickens.

                                            hope this helped

    i really need points im new

  4. I don't understand how an egg white would not be part of an egg...Veganism prohibits animal products, and last time I checked, egg whites came from a chicken, which is an animal.  Don't believe everything friends tell you.

  5. Your friend is wrong.

    Vegans don't eat, use, wear or otherwise consume anything of animal origin whatsoever.  Separating the egg into the yolk and the white does nothing to change the fact that a living, breathing creature was exploited for it.

  6. No. I guess if she doesn't eat egg for health reasons, she might eat the white.

    But technically, if you're going to go vegan, you won't eat anything animal-based, even albumin.

  7. No, your friend is wrong and trying to trick you!! An egg white is an egg, no matter what part of the baby chicken it is!!

  8. Tell your friend she's retarded. That's like saying you can eat cow tongues because it's not part of the body.

  9. No. Thats like asking if you can eat the "fat" from the chicken. Or the chicken broth of the vegetable soup.

  10. NO sure the egg white comes from the egg and the egg from the chicken so no i wouldnt say so!!

  11. Your friend is probably confusing the term Vegan with Vegitarian.  A vegan eats no meat, no products that come from an animal whatsoever.  That means no meat, cheese, milk, eggs and ect.  A vegitarian can eat whatever just no meat at all

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