
Can Vegans give blood?

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My friend told me that vegans cannot donate blood.Is this true?And if so,why?I really want to,as i've a donor card but want to do more.




  1. As long as they are healthy and get the proper nutrition, they can donate blood.  

  2. I never saw that on a list of reasons someone would not be allowed to donate.  (And I have been through it several times.)

    The only reason I can imagine someone would have this idea is if perhaps they think vegans are likely to be malnourished.  Your blood iron does have to be okay, and you must weigh 110 pounds or more.

  3. Nonsense.  They don't even ask questions about being vegetarian or vegan.

    The only thing that would keep you as a vegan from donating is if you aren't getting enough folate or B12, which could make you anemic (and which vegans are a little more prone to, as you only get B12 from animal products or specially fortified foods if you don't take supplements).  As long as you are making sure you get enough of those nutrients, you shouldn't be anemic.

    They will check your blood with a finger stick for hemoglobin level before you're allowed to donate, so if that's a problem for you, they will let you know.
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