
Can Vegitarians eat Fish?

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Please be mature. I thought read that somewhere but I was not sure. (I am recently a vegitarian)




  1. yes if you want be a fishgetarian

  2. No, vegetarians don't eat animals.  That is the very definition of the word.

    These are the people who coined the word in the 1840s.  Their word, their definition.

  3. A true vegetarian would not eat fish, however some people will include fish in their diet, if they are only adverse to eating mammals and poultry. I've even heard of some people call themselves vegetarian, but have only excluded red meat from their diet, so they will even eat chicken.

    Again, anyone who is truely a vegetarian will only eat plant-based foods. Fish are not plants.

  4. I know a lot of vegitarians, and all of them do eat fish.  Not all the time, maybe, but they will every now and then.

  5. For some reason , fish is not considered meat by a lot of people. I consider it meat. I am not a vegetarian, but those who I know do not eat fish.

  6. By definition vegetarian means those who eat only plant and plant products. Fish are classified as animals,so eating fish is non vegetarian. In some areas eating fish is considered as vegetarian but it is as per convenience and availability. To me it appears to be nonveg.

  7. Well, let's think of it this way: Vegetarians do not eat the flesh of any animal whatsoever.

    Fish are animals, right?

    Therefore, vegetarians do not eat fish.

    I don't see what's so hard about it.  Fish are not plants, are not bacteria, are not fungi; they're a-n-i-m-a-l-s.  So vegetarians do not eat them.

  8. Does a fish look like a vegetable to you?? There is no such thing as a fish-eating-vegetarian!!!

  9. Most vegetarians don't. And most people do not accept fish eating vegetarians. Although it is a type of vegetarianism.

  10. There are some vegetarians who do not eat red meat and still eat seafood(fish, shrimp, etc.).

    It's good you want to help cut down with the amount of animals that are killed for food but you still need to have some protien in your body.

    I reccomend you keep fish in your diet.

    A lack of protien in your body can cause serious health problems.

  11. Some vegetarian eat milk and eggs but fish has obviously two eyes n blood...I think vegetarian do not eat.

  12. True vegetarians eat no meat whatsoever. That's why it's called vegeterians. Why don't you just eat what you want to eat? Meat is the best source of protein, and steroids. Just being funny, not immature.

  13. No, that would be pretty counter-productive, wouldn't it?  Fish are animals; they aren't a fruit, they aren't a vegetable.  They are vertebrates.  Therefore, a vegetarian cannot eat a fish.  If someone eats fish, even if they CALL themselves a vegetarian, they aren't a vegetarian.  I can call myself a cat all day long, but it doesn't make me a cat.

    There are no "levels" - you either eat animals or you don't.  It's pretty black and white.

  14. VEGETARIAN is the correct spelling.  No.  They cannot eat fish.

  15. There are different levels of vegetarianism.

  16. I have eliminated all other animals except fish yet in my atempt to become a vegetarian so i understand what your going through it takes time though and no i dont call myself a vegetarian yet until i eliminate every living thing it is hard though...............

  17. I'm a vegetarian and yes I eat fish. I choose not 2 eat cheese... and I think thats funni

    Hope I helped though! Gud luck on the vegitarian diet!

  18. my father did but my mother found protein else where, so it's your call.    cottage cheese is my moms fav.   but tuna is #1(dad says)   oh ya both vegitarians

  19. You can eat anything you wish, fish and chicken are not even is the same category as red meat.  My friend eats fish, chicken, veggies, no red meat.  Fish is the best for you.  Good Luck.

  20. It depends on your preferances and beliefs.  You have to ask yourself why you are a vegetarian.  If it is because youdon't want to kill animals, than no, you cannot eat fish.

  21. it really depends....  my friend is a vegetarian by religion, and according to her religion she can eat fish but not other meats. Vegans dont eat any animal products (meat dairy eggs etc) so obviously cant eat fish. but for a normal vegetarian standard? sorry, there is none. a pescotarian is the name for a fish eating vegetarian, and they are just as much vegetarians as any other. Its all a matter of personal choice.

    if your looking into being a veg-head (im one too) the most important thing is not whether or not you want to fish every once in a while. its getting the nutrients you need. Eating fish can help keep your body heaqlthy and thats very important. if you are cutting out meat make sure to get plenty of protein (duh, i know) and IRON. most vegheads forget this and its sooo important. Before you make a permeant decision, get a few books on vetaqrianism and make sure that you can plan your diet safely and heathily.

    It is a personal choice whether or not you want to eat fish, and no matter what it is so amazing that you have made the choice to be a vegetarian. Congradulations, and thankyou for our planet.

    good luck!!!

  22. hey, I'm a vegetarian and I eat fish! I'm not really sure why, but vegetarians usually do eat fish. I do and so can you! :D What are you waiting for??? Go stuff yiour face with fish!! LOL JK JK but vegetatians CAN eat fish

  23. No, vegitarians do not eat fish.

    But a pescetarian does not each any meat, except fish.

    It's up to you to decide what you want to be!

  24. no, and you shouldn't "be" one if you don't even know what that means.

    Vegitarians don't eat any meat;

    and vegans don't eat meat or any animal byproducts at all.

  25. Yes they can, it's possible. It's up to the particular individual if they will.

  26. Not unless fish is a vegetable. Lol. If the only meat you eat is fish flesh, technically your called a pescetarian, not a vegetarian. I'm one myself ;)

  27. well if u eat fish then no ur not fish is meat...  But u dont have to be a vegitarian, if u like some meats eat them honey.

    U dont have to be a vegitarian if u like some meat.  Ur just Picky of ur food. Picky not vegitarian

  28. it depends on what kind of vegetarian you are..if your doing it to be healthy yes...but  if your doing it for animal rights the no.

    ♥, Hannah

  29. There is a lot of misinformation on this floating around.

    This is from The vegetarian society which was formed in the 1800's:

    "A vegetarian is someone living on a diet of grains, pulses, nuts, seeds, vegetables and fruits, with or without the use of dairy products and eggs. A vegetarian does not eat any meat, poultry, game, fish, shellfish or crustacea, or slaughter by-products."

  30. As a real vegitarian no,but if your aim  is to loose weight,to be healthy u should choose the moderate way,not to omit all kinds of food not to stick to all of them.

  31. actually you can some vegetarians take it really seriously and dont at any type of meat and some dont eat any except for fish. my mom is a vegetarian and she eats fish so its your choice

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