
Can Wales survive as an independent state

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Can Wales survive as an independent state




  1. Well it will survive but will it be thriving???I am afraid no as it is too small plus it does not get much sunshine???

  2. its every mans dream to be free break from those warlike english if not you will always be at war like that stupid war in iraq in ireland your felow celts the boars the indains your better of out than in no body bags the welch are lovley people you got your castles to remind you were invaded like iraq

  3. Of course, it's called Whales!!! It can survive!!!

  4. arret de dire de la merde, tu es vraiment con

  5. Probably not.  Where will its income come from?

  6. Who cares, you should have your Independence, it's not up to the English to decide is it?

    The English would be glad to get rid of the Tax Burden though,

  7. England would do very nicely without the Welsh. Oh, that wasn't the question. Urm, yeh, well I am sure the United Nations will be more than happy to provide the Welsh with an extra chair, at the Security Council.

  8. It is in all our interests that the UNITED KINGDOM stay just as that.

    I'm Welsh and although I support the Welsh Assembly just as much as the Scottish one, Wales does not have the resources to be independent, and even if they did, we would still be better off staying united.

  9. Wales depend upon the South of England tax payers for funding and Westminster for direct investment.

    An independent Wales would be a very poor country indeed.

  10. It might be able to but I very much doubt it as it would have to relie on Westminster for somethings but it would be nice to see

  11. I doubt it.

  12. No sorry it can't, no matter how much one would wish it. Its still reliant of most respects on central government.

    robert,  can't see if happening, can you, there are times though i do wish it were so..........

  13. Yes we could we've just never been given the chance.  

    Cymro Bach, way to go!

  14. Too start what is all this about Wales having limited resources?

    88% OF WALES' coal reserves are still there

    This is not fact its social blackmail and social mind games played upon by unionist parties, who in the mean time don't do nothing to improve the economy IE Conservatives, Labour and to a lesser extent the Lib dems.

    Wales collects 28 billion annually through revenue the expenditure on Wales is 26 billion through the Barnett formula. Where is the 2 billion i question? Funding warfare, nuclear programmes  which bring nothing to Wales and have no relevance to the Welsh people what so ever.  Many smaller nations than Wales with less resources are doing just fine for example, Belgium, Luxembourg, Andorra, Latvia, Moldova, Croatia, The Netherlands. Ireland,

    They have all had the funding from the EU to develop them, We because we are bunched with a well established London South Eastern economy, The initiatives and policies for these areas as then enforced on Wales which is a totally different Place with totally different needs, If Wales was an Independent country then we could make our own laws, Decide on our own policies and initiatives to develop the coal industry in Wales and the Retail sector, Also Wales has plenty of gold reserves, Copper, Slate, Coal, Water (Not enough resources?) Wales has some of the best resources in the World, The reason the economy is suffering is because of centralisation all focused and England/London dominated, Has ruined our economy whilst theirs benifited,

    Wales fueld the Industrial Revolution, Cities such as Birmingham, Britol, Bath, London, Norwich, Oxford, Liverpool would be nothing with out Wales contribution , But nothing was ever brought back to Wales and that's why Wales economy is suffering now. But we would still survive with an extra 2 billion in the pot., We would develop our own policies which intern would benefit our Economy and Country we know what's best for Wales not the MP's of London, Northern England, and so forth,  We would also become full members of the EU, UN and many more International organisations, We deserve to stand proud amongst the nations of the World,

    Hwyl fawr a Annibyniaeth i Gymru

    Goodbye and Independence for Wales

  15. If that's what they want, well yes let them have some freedom but wales has very limited resources of its own and would most likely find it difficult to cope.

  16. I dont think it has the resources to to be honest.

    But it would be nice to see it remain as independent as possible whilst being connected to Scotland, England and Ireland as an alliance.

  17. Why do you ask? we are all governed by the EU, so what's the differents?.

  18. Only if they get rid of defence spending, put taxes up by 5p in the £, spend less on hospitals & schools. It would be better to get rid of the assembly and let councils run things.

  19. I certainly hope so!I have long supported complete Independence for Wales and Scotland!Providing;

    From day one of independence! Money from the English taxpayer stops!

    I have heard that if Scotland and Wales went complete independent the English taxpayer would be better of by £400 per month.

    So provided Scotland and Wales had their own pensions,benefits,law and defence operations without drawing on the English taxpayer!It is a good thing!

    One other point!All none working Scottish and Welsh workers  must be repatriated back to their own countries!

  20. As an independent country yes! it can survive but none of this states bollocks..  Step one call for a referendum step 2 call for a general election step 3 tell the English to fuc' off  Wales doesn't have much in the way of resources but its got 3,000000 legit welshies  when it comes down to it as who i'd rather fight 3 million welsh or 8 million english and 4 million  scots i'd take the welsh on no bother

  21. Yes. There are quite alot of small independent countries in the world - if they can all survive happily enough I don't see why Wales would be any different. Look up north towards Iceland - they gained their Independence from Denmark in 1944. They are a small island with all kinds of crazy weather, and a tiny population (far less than Wales). They also now happen to be one of the top 10 richest countries in the world. If they can do it and be successful - so can Wales. :-)

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