
Can We Just Get Rid Of Racism, And Live As One Body Of People.!!?

by Guest60396  |  earlier

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Im Honestly Am Getting Tired Of The Fighting Between Races, To The Point I Dont Want To Be In The U.S Anymore.. I am A Young African American Male, Currently A Senior Of High School, An All Around Athlete And Am Trying To Cope With The Reality Im Going To Graduate Soon And Have To Face A Country Full Of Stereotypes, Racial Profiles, And All Sort Of Other Problems As Such...!!!

My Concern Is That With All The Amazing Accomplishments, Successes, And Trials We Have Came Through, And Succeded Together The Least Thing We Can Do Is Leave All The Hate, Racial Murders, And Fighting In The Past..!!!

Why Cant We Just Evolve Past That Stuff And Become One Of The Most Powerful Nations And Regain Our Name As The Greatest Country In The World..!!!

I Want Folks Who Have The Same View On This Matter As Me To Answer, Just To Know There Are Decent People In The World Of All Nationalities (Also If It Dosent Bother Add Your Nationality, I Just Want To View The Different Races Who Answer Just To Show Not All Races And People Are Evil And Have Hate).. ( THANK YOU AND GOD BLESS AMERICA, AND ALL THOSE WHO HELPED IT TO BECOME KNOWN AS THE GREATEST COUNTRY ON EARTH).!!!!




  1. well before i answer that question, i'd like to ask you a few.

    i'm a white male.

    do black people call me "brother"?

    would the naacp, al sharpton, jesse jackson, the black panthers, or louis farrakhan march in my behalf if i were beaten by the police?

    would the united ***** college fund put me through college?

    if i were a woman, could i participate in a miss black america beauty pageant?

    are there any organizations marching for my rights?

    can i join a black only fraternity?

    how safe would i be walking down the street in a black neighborhood?

    sorry for not sugar coating this, but it's the truth. black people do more segregating than anyone else.

  2. I agree. I would love to see a racism free world and I believe that one day that is a possibility. Just look at each generation. My grandparents are hardcore racists. My mother has racist tendencies. I'm personally disgusted by racism from any race to another and I've gotten in plenty of fights over it.

    I've noticed this trend all across America (I've done alot of traveling). Yes there are still racists out there, and it's not really a probability to think we can completely do away with it. I do however believe we can make the racists the true minority and make them afraid to admit it. Each generation pulls further away from racism, hopefully that trend continues.

  3. I am an American white girl as well!

    I agree with you!!! Totally. I hope and pray the one day it will die out! We must teach our children to be better! Im sure you agree, to say that all black people are bad is to say that all white people are bad too. No one can deny that there are white people who are just as bad as some black people. The same can be said for any race. Do you know why? Because we are all HUMAN. Just as Dogs are dogs, cats are cats. It makes as much sense as saying that only white cats are good and that all black cats are evil....  

  4. Racism is just natural for all human societies for the past million years...racism is a survival instinct needed to maintain culture and ethnic ties/ cant have different races mixing unconciosly can you..what a messed up world it would be if people all mixed up.

  5. I totally agree with you! Some people are so mean but you just need to ignore them! Don't worry about them. God Bless America! =) lol

  6. I am not Racist but, I do Beleive if you can't take the heat, you get out of the Kitchen,  

  7. I am an American white chick, and I agree with you.

    Although, I'm not sure about "becoming one of the most powerful nations and regaining our name as the greatest country in the world". That seems a bit harsh, especially to all the other countries of the world. Whilst tackling racism, can't we also do away with superiority between countries? =)

  8. as much as i wish that would happen, racism will never go away, just as religion will never go away. its how people were raised, its what people believe, and its how people look at the rest of the world. people automatically think i am racist b/c i live in the deep south. im not. my great-grandfather was a member of the kkk. that doesnt mean i am. my mother raised me better. racists should think outside of the box, and look deeper than skin color. theres more than what meets the eye.  

  9. racism will eventually die out. Especially when u stop and remember... many years into the future, the races will have intermingled so much that all their offspring will be, more or less, all races.

  10. Unfortunately, we will never get rid of racism.  But not just racism, prejudice in general.  People will always get put down do to their color, heritage, sexuality, and religion, just because people are insensitive and afraid of differences.  But, instead of letting it get to you, you should try to ignore it.  It may not seem like it, but everyone, including white people (yes, us too!) have problems with prejudice.  Everyone will, and it is a seemingly impossible problem to fix.  Unfortunately.  

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