I called customer support and was told that I cannot have my hard disk drive (20gb, which got the E68 error) shipped for free to Texas for replacement because its considered an accessory even though the console package has one manufacturing number. The 20gb HDD you can buy from stores have a different manufacturing number. Also, they will not replace my game for free, because I'm suppose to know (associate said it is "Common Knowledge") that if I breathe on my xbox 360, it will cause the disk to move and get a ring burnt into it by the laser mechanism (also after roughly 5 hours of continuous play, the 360 will burn your disk even with proper use). To wrap this all up, basically I was given the finger over the phone by being told that what I want done would violate theirtheir policy and rules that we (the consumers and general public) don't even know about and aren't allowed to see. I invite you to join the "XBOX 360 Mfg Part # B4J-0001 Warranty" suit at www.sueeasy.com.