
Can YOU Tell the Difference Between Pepsi & Coke?

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...If so, how?

Also, which is your favorite? Please include your AGE--this is for my daughter's science class. Thanks!

Mine is Coke & I am 32.




  1. I can tell.

    Pepsi is sweeter than  coke.

    I am 33, but I have been able to tell for 15-20 years.

    I really don't care either way...I mostly get diet anyway

  2. I can't really tell the difference.  Pepsi fees more carbonated (fizzy) some times but that is it.  I find if funny when people say what would you like to drink (pointing at some sodas) and i say coke and they are like sorry we only have pepsi....I am like "what the heck is the difference"  i am 12

  3. Coke.   I grew up in MI and we always had Pepsi.   Too sweet now.  Live in GA now and like Coke.   I'm 52.

  4. mine is pepsi my friends called lordpepsi / lp any wway aka i drink tons of pepsi pepsi is sweeter and i am 13

  5. Yeah Coke is way better. I'm 15

  6. I can't always tell the diff. but I wish they would bring back Royal Crown Cola.

  7. I also think Pepsi is a bit sweeter. Coke is a little more harsh and I think a little darker in color. I dont drink cola, but if I did, I would chose Pepsi. I am 21.  

  8. I can tell, since Cola is more gaseous and the Pepsi is sweeter, coke is my favorite and I am 13

  9. If you put a blindfold on someone and asked them to tell you the difference between the two they could tell which is which.  I like diet Coke.   I am 53

  10. pepsi is sweeter..coke is richer

    coke is my fave im 16

  11. pepsi. i can tell the difference. 31

  12. I am 31. I like both but if I had to choose I would choose Coke.  Its not as sweet and its bubblier.  Pepsi is flatter and sweeter.  

  13. im a big fan of coke. i have been able to tell the difference fo ra countless number of years. pepsi i stoo sweet, and coke isnt as flat.

  14. I can tell the difference between the two. Pepsi is sweeter, but Coke has a medicinal sorta flavor to it. I guess I prefer Pepsi but will drink Coke as well... Oh yeah, I am 22.

  15. Definitely!  I prefer Pepsi.  Going on 70.

  16. i am 26 and i like coke.. pepsi tastes flat to me.

  17. yeah pepsi is sweeter. i like pepsi more. i am 22.  

  18. i see no difference but i think pepsi is more bubbly o.O

    im 14 ^_^

  19. I'm 23 I've been able to tell the difference as long as I can remember.  Pepsi is sweeter, Coke is more acidic.  I'm from NC, where Pepsi was "born" but I prefer Coke.

  20. Definitely Pepsi. Coke tastes too flat. I am 19

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