

by Guest59862  |  earlier

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I was reading in my local paper and it said that young people aged 11-18 do nothing to help or environment and don't care.

I want to write a letter to the editor about how young people can make a difference and help our environment.

So... what are some ways that youth can help stop global warming?

Do you agree or disagree?





  1. Obviously nobody cares enough to take action to stop global warming,or action and not just talk would have happened years ago, just take a look around you, many people are still living as if global warming doesn't exist, thanks to the skeptics out there, little or no action is being taken, at least over all, to avert disasterous climate change. I think the bigger question would be how will humanity adapt to global warming and climate change, not what can we do to slow and/or reverse climate change.

  2. no only morons and scientists who get big money grants think they can

  3. Yes they can do something. They can: recycle, raise community awareness, save money to send into a research or prevention program, or bike more often and turn off lights when they are not using them.

  4. Nothing we do can stop it in the immediate future, but I think in principle we should be conscious of things in our personal lives to not contribute more than we have to to pollution.

  5. I am sure that if v young people join hands, v vil b able to reduce ( NOT STOP ) this...

    To manage this condition, people may be encouraged to use less polluting fuels,,, And Awareness programmes can be conducted to all the people.

  6. I am not a radical on either side. I believe while we can not stop climate change we should do everything we can to limit our effect on climate.

    What can u do? Get a book on the Amish and follow their life style. The closes you get to that the better you will b.

    Some of the things you can do is grow as much of your own food as possible. Start small with raised beds and simple plants. Next ride your bike everywhere. Forget about that hot car when u turn 16! Start recycling others waste. Such as aluminum, plastics, e-waste (this is a big problem = big opportunity, a guy in Calif turned it into a big biz. He now supports 18  full time workers).

    Good luck, ric

  7. I would disagree.  I believe we are nearing the end of a mini ice age.  This is the life of our planet.  I recommend you go on line and read about the ice ages that we have already have had and the one we are currently in.

  8. yes, don't eat beans......   O', by the way have you guys seen all the snow and ice across the US in the last week or two?  must be all the global warming...

  9. Young people can/must do everything to prevent the harmful consequences of climate change.  Vote!!!  Punish those politicians that do not take action on this issue, by not voting for them.  We are going to be the superior generation,  it's our time now.  


    Notice how the doubters of climate change argue like lawyers. They clearly stand on one side and will grab at anything to defend their position. This is the most common characteristic of a person, employed by various outfits, out to spread disinformation. Climate change causes business concerns for these outfits (oil companies) and they will stop at nothing to spread deception. Be aware of this characteristic and point it out for the sake of enlightening others. For those of you who still philosophize evil. You have now seen it. These people will steal the future of life for personal gain.

    Climate change is an opportunity for secure prosperity. We can prevent sacrifice, if we put our minds to work. Don’t waste your precious time.

  10. Why would you want to stop climate change?

    You actually believe that people can stop the earth from changing? I don't believe so.

    Given that the earth does change, would you prefer it to be slightly cooler, or slightly warmer? Cold kills more people than heat. Cold means more mining and burning coal and oil, leading to more pollution. Cold reduces crop production and means more starvation and poverty.

    Global warming is a good thing.

    Feeling a desire to fit in with a crowd that is doing something good might be admirable, but a desperate urge to fit in that leads to mindless adoption of foolish ideas as though they were gospel is not such a good thing, really.

  11. Hmm...let me be brief. No.

  12. i hate people who think that just because someones young that they cant understand issues in todays world, a good example, global warming.

    im making a short documentry on raising awareness for Global Warming and helping better our earth.

    Film yourself, talk about our planet and what it means to you. and how you think we should go about saving it.

    just email me your name with the video or state it on the video so i can credit you acordingly in the End Credits.

    EMAIL it to:

    for those who particapate. THANK YOU!

    please respond here saying that you are going to participate so i can look for your email when it comes.

    once again. thank you--

    EMAIL it to:

  13. people say that kids can't do anything, but we can; and if we dont then our generation will b ruled by old people and young people and nobody in between. so young people should slap people if they come across someone who doesn't beleive in global warning.

    i strogly agree that kids can do many things to help Earth. but nothing will stop global warming but we can put it on hold; there will always be a satin; the world isn't perfect and it never will b

  14. Stop drinking soda, the sugar rots your teeth, the bottle are moddle of petroleum and the delivery trucks run on diesel fuel... plus unless you bike to work you increase your carbon footprint everytime you go out and purchase them. :-)

  15. i convinced my mom to recycle if it wasn't for me ( 13 years old by the way) my mom wouldn't have recycled and there would be 1 less person on the planet that recycles doesn't sound like much but if every child on the planet convinced their non recycling- moms there will be a lot of change in the world

  16. It's very simple.

    The very best way to stop human impact on the environment is to have less humans in the environment.  If you do not have kids get spayed or neutered.  If you are a parent, spay or neuter your children.

    Think about it, you can conserve and recycle as much as you can to reduce your waste footprint on the earth but as soon as you have a kid you essentially double that footprint.  

    There are close to 7 billion people on the earth.  Everywhere you look you see another human.  They are everywhere!  Now imagine in a few years when we reach 10 billion....

    No kids for me!

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