
Can Yazid lovers answer this question please?

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Who do you love more?







  1. Of course Hussain. RA,

    Who loves Yazid.

    However I love Muawiah. RA

  2. of cours Alhussain(ra) coz he is from AL-Albayt

    but , why do shias hide after Hussain's love ?!

  3. There is no comparison Of Hussain (RA) ( a sahabi )

    & Yazid (non sahabi)

    Any how i am pasting quotes of some Muslim (SUNNI)famous ulma:

    What follows is a list of some of the Muslim (sunni)scholars who held various opinions about Yazeed ibn Mua’wiyyah.

    1. Imaam Muhammad Ghazzalee (d.505H)

    Imaam Muhammad Gazzalee said he was a muslim with a correct aqeedah and a complete muslim and it is not permissible in the sharee’ah to curse and abuse him.

    (see Ahyaa al-Uloom (3/108), Wafyaat al-A’yaan (1/328), Miratul-Janaan (3/176), al-Bidaayah Wan-Nihaayah (12/173), Hayaat al-Haiwaan (2/176), Sawaa’iq al-Meharqah (pg.222), Dhuu al-Ma’alee (pg.49), Sharh Fiqhul-Akbar (pg.87), Nibraas (pg.551), Shadhraat adh-Dhahab Fee Akhbaar Minal Madhab (1/69), Tafseer Rooh al-Ma’anee (13/73), Fataawa Azeezee (1/100), Fataawa Abdul-Hayy (1/60), Aqaa’id al-Islaam (pg.223).

    2. Imaam Qaadhee Abu Bakr ibn al-Arabee Maalikee (d.543H)

    He did not hold permissible the cursing and abusing of Yazeed nor declaring him to be a disbeliever. He said,

    “If it is said justice and knowledge are from the conditions of Khilaafah and Yazeed neither had justice or knowledge, then we will say what is the thing by which he have to come to know Yazeed had no justice or knowledge.” (al-Awaasim Minal Qawaasim (pg.222)

    He also said,

    “Where are those historians who wrote against Yazeed in mentioning alcohol and open sinning, do they not have any shame?” (al-Awaasim Minal Qawaasim (pg.222)

    3. Shaikh Abdul-Mugeeth Hanbalee (d.583H)

    He was not in favour of cursing Yazeed nor declaring him to be a disbeliever, rather he authored a biography of Yazeed with the title of, “Fadhal Yazeed.”

    “and his (Abdul-Mugeeth’s) book ‘Fadhal Yazeed bin Mu’awiyyah’, in it he has mentioned strange incidences.” (Hidaayatul A’aarifeen Asmaa al-Mu’allifeen Wa Athaar Musannifeen (5/623), al-Bidaayah Wan-Nihaayah (12/328).

    Haafidh Ibn Katheer said about him,

    “He was from the righteous Hanbalee’s who the common folk referred to.” (al-Bidaayah Wan-Nihaayah (12/328).

    Imaam Ibn al-Jawzee said,

    “I hope from Allaah that me and Abdul-Mugeeth will be together in Paradise. Muhib ud deen Abul-Baqaa said from this we find (ibn al-Jawzee) knew Abdul-Mugeeth was from the righteous worshippers of Allaah and may he have mercy on both of them.” (Dhail Tabaqaat Hanabillah (1/356) of Ibn Rajab.)

    4. Allaamah Abul-Khair Qazwainee. (d.590H)

    Imaam Ibn Katheer said,

    “After he left Qazwain he went to Baghdaad where he became a teacher in Madrassah Nizaamiyyah and he would admonish and deliver lectures to the people. So on the day of Ashoorah he sat on the minbar to admonish the people, it was said to him to curse Yazeed bin Mu’awiyyah. He replied, “He was but an Imaam Mujtahid.” (al-Bidaayah Wan-Nihaayah (9/13), Risaalah al-Mustarfah Lee-Bayaan Mashoor Kitaab as-Sunnah al-Musharfah (pg.132).

    5. Allaamah Ibn as-Saalah (d.646H)

    He was also not in favour of cursing Yazeed or saying he was a disbeliever.

    Ibn Hajr Makkee writes,

    “Ibn Salaah who is from our jurists and scholars of hadeeth, I have seen in his Fataawa that when he was asked concerning the individual who would only curse Yazeed because he ordered the death of Hussain. Then in answer to this he said, according to us Yazeed ordering the death of Hussain is not correct and cursing and abusing Yazeed is not the sign of a believer…..” (as-Sawaa’iq al-Meharqah (pg.222).

    6. Shaikh ul-Islaam Imaam Ibn Taymiyyah (d.728H)

    He was neither in favour of cursing Yazeed nor declaring him to be a disbeliever. He says,

    “And the people who curse Yazeed and other such people like him then it is UPON them to bring evidence,

    Firstly: that he (Yazeed) was an open sinner and an oppressor and therefore prove he really was an open sinner and an oppressor. As allowing them to be cursed also needs to be proven that he continued this open sinning and oppression to the end up until his death.

    Secondly: Then after this they must prove that it is permissible to curse specific people like Yazeed.”

    He goes onto say,

    “and the verse, “May the Curse of Allaah be upon the oppressors.” Is a general verse like the verses concerning punishment.”

    He goes onto say,

    “And the hadeeth of Bukhaari states the first army to wage Jihaad against Constantinople is forgiven and the first army to do Jihaad against Constantinople, their Ameer was Yazeed ibn Mu’waiyyah and the word army entails a specific number and every member of this army is included in this forgiveness………..” (Minhaaj as-Sunnah an-Nabawiyyah Fee Naqdh Kalaam ash-Shee’ah Wal-Qadariyyah (2/252), al-Muntaqa Minhaaj al-Ei’tidaal Fee Naqdh Kalaam ar-Rafdh Wal-Ei’tizaal (pg.290).

    7. Haafidh Imaam Ibn Qayyim al-Jawziyyah (d.751H).

    Haafidh Ibn Qayyim writes in his book al-Manaar al-Muneef,

    “ALL the narration’s that mention the censure of Yazeed bin Mu’awiyyah are lies.”

    The he goes onto say on the same page,

    “ALL the narration’s that mention the censure of Mu’awiyyah are lies.” (al-Manaar al-Muneef Fis-Saheeh Wadh-Dha’eef (pg.220).

    8. Haafidh Imaam Ibn Katheer (d.774H)

    After mentioning the  position of al-Haraasee (of the permissibility of cursing) he mentions his statements and says,

    “Imaam Ghazzalee has opposed the attribution of open sinning and tyranny to Yazeed and has prohibited from abusing Yazeed because he was a muslim and it is not established he expressed happiness or joy on the death of Hussain….” (al-Bidaayah Wan-Nihaayah (12/173).

    9. Haafidh Ibn Rajab (d.795H)

    Haafidh Ibn Rajab also did not hold the opinion of cursing and declaring Yazeed to be a disbeliever. On the contrary he refute the allegation on Imaam Ahmad bin Hanbal that he cursed Yazeed. So he writes in clear words,

    “The statement of Imaam Ahmad only establishes cursing on all of the oppressors and there is no clarification or specification for the permissibility of cursing Yazeed only.” (Dhail Tabaqaat Hanabillah (2/356).

    10. Mulla Alee Qaaree (d1014H).

    Mulla Alee Qaaree said,

    “The majority of the Scholars have prohibited cursing Yazeed and Hajjaaj.” (Mirqaat Sharh Mishkaat (4/52).

  4. Of course Hussain  

  5. im not a yazid lover but


    @ below - hes only asking who u love more..

    edit - no but it wud change alota stuff that has do with wer ull end up after life :)

  6. Hadrat Hussain (r.a.)

    I would like to see Yazid lovers for sure~!

  7. May Allah Curse on Mawiyah Yazid And their Follower

    All of them are son of mawiyah e laeen

    Speciall zakir nike

    They are selling islam for money  

  8. i don't gotta worry bout that. i'll leave it for Allah to judge who was right and wrong. im just gona do right and follow my religion.

    and i think there are nicer ways to address such questions.

    edit @ mary: does it matter who i love more?

    wud that change history?

    edit: worry bout urself sister. and quit judging who will end up where. thats not for u to judge. u don't have that rank in Islam. NO ONE does

    edit: ok i just read about the topic, and ofcourse hussein. yazid isn't loved or hated in sunni religion

    but i still stick by what i said at first. it doesn't matter, that was the past.

  9. I dont care about the things that happened after the life of Prophet Mohammad (PBUH).

    The Holy Quran and Prophet Mohammad's Teachings(Hadith & Sunnah)   are enough for us to follow the right path.

    Yes offcourse I love Imam Hussain more .........after all he is Prophet Mohammad's grandson .

    I dont know anything about Yazid and his intentions !!!!!!!!!

    Only Allah knows the truth about Yazid and that war !!!!!!!!

    EDIT :

    @ SHITTE Muslim :

    Zakir Naik is one of the greatest Islamic scholar ........he debates with others on the bases of Hadiths and Verses of Quran .

  10. Does it matter who you love more?

    2pac just took the words rite outta my mouth.

    Im sure who ever loves yazid or hussain then they love the prophet mohammed (pbuh) even more..:)

    Edit: It just shows the jealousy in this section with all these thumbs down.

  11. very good, now you narrowed your search to Yazid, no seriously its very good, and a huge step forward and toward the truth, i would love for every shia to do so and look for who really killed Hussein.  

  12. Ibn Hajar Asqalani's (SUNNI) views regarding those that praise Yazeed

    The statement by one of the most esteemed Sunni Imams Ibn Hajar Asqalani regarding the one who praises Yazeed is quite serious, yet we find Nawasib like those of, Sipah-e-Sahabah ( and some self proclaimed scholars like that of Dr. Zakir Naik trying to absolve Yazeed [la] and making an attempt to praise him. Imam Ibn Hajar Asqalani records:

    وأما المحبة فيه والرفع من شأنه فلا تقع إلا من مبتدع فاسد الاعتقاد فإنه كان فيه من الصفات ما يقتضي سلب الإيمان عمن يحبه لأن الحب في الله والبغض في الله من الإيمان والله المستعان

    'Loving and glorifying him is not performed except by a heretic who has void belief because he (Yazid) had characteristics that his lover deserves to be faithless, because to love and hate just in the sake of God is the sign of faith'

    Here >>>>>>>>>><<< official site

    >>>>Ibn Kathir's comments on Yazeed the drunkard

    Interesting the very same text al Bidaya from where Abu Sulaiman had sought to extol the virtues of his Imam Yazeed, also contains comments of Ibn Kathir proving that he was indeed a drunkard. Ibn Kathir is the Wahabi's biggest historian and a student of Ibn Taymiyya himself. As far as Wahabis are concerned, his words are written in gold. Yet Ibn Kathir himself writes in 'al Bidayah' Volume 8 page 1169 "Dhikr Yazeed bin Muawiya":

    "Traditions inform us that Yazeed loved worldly vices, would drink, listen to music, kept the company of boys with no facial hair [civil expression for paedophilia with boys, a form of homosexuality], played drums, kept dogs [civil expression for bestiality], making frogs, bears and monkeys fight. Every morning he would be intoxicated and would bind monkeys to a horse saddle and make the horse run".

      Al Bidayah Wal Nihayah (Urdu), Vol 8 Page 1169, Nafees Academy Karachi

    Imam Ibn Atheer's comments on Yazeed 'the drunkard'

    Imam Ibn Atheer Jazri records the following testimony of Munzar bin Zubayr in 'Tareekh al Kamil' Volume 3 page 450:

    إنه أجازني بمائة ألف ولا يمنعني ما صنع بي أن أخبركم خبره وأصدقكم عنه والله إنه ليشرب الخمر والله إنه ليسكر حتى يدع الصلاة

    'He rewarded me with one hundred thousand, but this deed will not prevent me from telling you honestly about his status, by Allah he drinks alcohol, by Allah he is drunkard and even abandons prayer'

    Tareekh al Kamil, Volume 3 page 450

    Imam Dhahabi's naration and verdict on Yazeed 'the drunkard'

    Yazeed's drinking despite Abu Sulaiman's denials is such an established fact that even Dhahabi, relied on as an authority by Abu Sulaiman, testifies to this fact.

    In "Siyar A'lam Al-Nubala" Volume 4 pages 37, Dhahabi narrates:

    "Ziyad Haarthi narrated: 'Yazeed gave me alcohol to drink, I had never drunk alcohol like that before and I enquired where he had obtained its ingredients from'. Yazeed replied: 'it is made of sweet pomegranate, Isfahan's honey, Hawaz's sugar, Taif's grapes and Burdah's water'. Ahmed bin Masama' narrated: 'Once Yazeed drank alcohol and started to dance, suddenly he fell down and his nostril began to bleed'.

    After citing the above cited traditions, Imam Dhahabi then gave his own verdict regarding Yazeed wihch has also been recorded by Allamah Ibn al-Emaad al-Hanbali (d. 1089 H) in "Shadharat al Dhahab" Volume 1 page 69:

    وقال الذهبي فيه كان ناصبياً فظاً غليظاً يتناول المسكر ويفعل المنكر افتتح دولته بقتل الحسين وختمها بوقعة الحرة فمقته الناس ولم يبارك في عمره

    "Al-Dhahabi said about him (Yazeed) that he was Nasibi, rude, harsh, used to drink alcohol and committed evil deeds. He started his reign by killing al-Hussain and concluded it by the battle of al-Hara, so the people hated him and Allah didn't bless his life"

    The book can also be downloaded from the following Salafi library:

    Moreover, in his another authority work 'Tarikh Islam' Volume 5 page 30, Imam Dhahabi states:

    قلت: ولما فعل يزيد بأهل المدينة ما فعل، وقتل الحسين وإخوته وآله، وشرب يزيد الخمر، وارتكب أشياء منكرة، بغضه الناس، وخرج عليه غير واحد، ولم يبارك الله في عمره، فخرج عليه أبو بلال مرداس بن أدية الحنظلي

    I say: 'When Yazeed did to the people of Madina what he did and killed al-Hussain and his brothers and progeny, and Yazeed drank alcohol, and performed abominable things, then the people hated him and rose against him more than once and God didn't bless his life and Abu Bilal Mirdas bin Adya al-Hanzali rose against him.'

    Imam Ibn Jauzi's comments on Yazeed 'the drunkard'

    Ibn Jauzi in Wafa al-Wafa Volume 1 page 217:

    "Yazeed appointed his cousin Uthman bin Muhammad bin Abu Sufyan as Governor of Madina. He sent a delegation to visit Yazeed who bore gifts so that they might take the oath of allegiance to him. Upon their return they said 'We have returned having visited a man who has no religion, he drinks, plays instruments, keeps the company of singers and dogs, we declare that we have broken our allegiance to him. Abdullah bin Abi Umro bin Hafs Mukhzumee commented 'Yazeed gave me gifts, the reality is this man is an enemy of Allah (swt) and a drunkard, I shall separate myself from him in the same way that I remove my turban [from my head]…."

    Ibn Hajar al-Haythami's comments on Yazeed 'the drunkard'

    In his book written against the s**+'a namely 'Sawaiqh al Muhriqa' page 221, Ibn Hajr Makki al-Haythami sets out the Sunni position on Yazeed:

    One group that includes Ibn Jauzi deem Yazeed a kaafir, another group says that he was not a kaafir, this is a disputable matter of Ummah and the majority of Ahl'ul Sunnah agree that he was a fasiq (transgressor), a fajir (one that commits debauchery) and a drunkard.

    Al-Waqidi has recorded from various ways that Abdullah bin Hanzallah narrated: 'verily we opposed Yazeed at that time when we feared that Allah (swt) would then send down stones on us, Yazeed considered nikah (marriage) with mothers, daughters and sisters to be permissible, drank alcohol and abandoned prayers'.

    These comments are indeed interesting. Ibn Hajr asserts that in the eyes of the vast bulk of Ahl'ul Sunnah, Yazeed was "a fasiq, a fajir and a drunkard" while Abu Sulaiman who claims he is Ahl'ul Sunnah wants us to believe in a tradition portraying him as a pious worshipper who never drank alcohol.

    Shah Abdul Aziz Muhadith Dehalwi's comments on Yazeed 'the drunkard'

    Renowned Sunni scholar of Pakistan (Late) Allamah Shafi Okarvi Qadri who was known by the title "Khateeb A'zam of Pakistan" wrote a book "Imam Paak aur Yazeed Paleed" [The pure Imam and filthy Yazeed] wherein he refuted one of the lovers of Yazeed [la] Maulana Mahmood Abbasi. During the course of argument, Allamah Okarvi quoted the famed anti-Shia scholar and the beloved of Ahle Sunnah Muhadith Shah Abdul Aziz Dehalwi who wrote the following about Yazeed:

    "Verily, Hussain [as] rejected to give bayah to Yazeed because he was Fasiq, drunkard and an oppressor and Hussain went Makkah.[Sirul Shahadatayn, page 12]"

    Imam Paak aur Yazeed Paleed, page 97 (Zia ul Quran publications, Lahore)

    Qadhi Thanaullah Paani Patti's comments on Yazeed 'the drunkard'

    Qadhi Thanaullah Paani Patti (d. 1225) was a Sunni scholar of twelfth century, who studied under the teachings of Shah Waliullah Muhadith Dehalvi (d. 1176 H) while his anti-Shia son Shah Abdul Aziz Muhadith Dehalvi (d. 1239 H) would call Qadhi Thanaullah the 'Behaqqi of his time'. He was also the Khalifa of Mirza Mazhar Jaan Janan (d. 1195 H) who would refer to Qadhi Thanaullah as 'Ilm al-Huda'. His commentary of the Holy Quran, Tafseer Mazhari is popular among the Sunni masses particularly amongst the Deobandies. We will cite the complete text later on, suffice is to quote Qadhi's testimony regarding Yazeed being a drunkard:

    Moreover, he made alcohol Halal and these are his couplets for alcohol:

    'The treasure of alcohol is in a utensil which is like silver and the branch of grapes are loaded by grapes which is like stars, the depth of the branch of grapes is alternate for the stars over sun, the east of this sun (alcohol) is the hand of the drinker while the place for the sunset (alcohol) is my mouth, thus, if one day alcohol was made Haram in Ahmad's religion, then O addressee, you just take it according to the religion of Masih ibn Mariam (i.e. deem it Halal)'

    Tafseer Mazhari [Arabic], Volume 5 page 271, commentary of 14:29

    Tafseer Mazhari [Urdu], Volume 6 pages 202-203, commentary of 14:29

    At another place (under the commentary of 24:55), Qadhi Thanaullah wrote:

    "It is possible that this verse refers to Yazeed bin Muawiyah. Yazeed had martyred the grandson of Holy Prophet [s] and his companions, those companions were actually the members of the Prophet's family, he disgraced the honor of the Prophet [s] and then became proud of that and stated: 'Today, the revenge for the day of Badr has been take

  13. Without doubt Hussayn radhiallaahu anhu is more beloved than Yazeed. However even with all the errors Yazeed had with him, he is far better than the liars who attached themselves to Hussayn radhiallaahu anhu and betrayed him and beat their lying backs every year.

    و بلغ علي أبن أبي طالب أن عبد الله بن السوداء يبغض أبا بكر وعمر فهم بقتله فهاج الناس و قالو له: أتقتل رجلاً يدعوا إلى حبكم أهل البيت؟ فقال: لا يساكنني في دار أبدآ. ثم أمر بنفيه إلى المدائن عاصمة الفرس

    ((And ‘Alee bin Abee Taalib clarified that ‘Abdullaah bin as-Sawdaa’ hated Abaa Bakr and ‘Umar, so he gave importance to his killing. So the people became roused and said to him: “Do you kill a man who calls to loving Ahlul Bayt?” He said: “Do not reside with me in my residence ever” Then he ordered with his banishment to Madaa’in, the capital of Persia.))

    و روى الحكم بن حجل قال: سمعت علي يقول: ” لا يفضلني أحد على أبو بكر و عمر رضي الله عنهما إلا جلدته حد المفترى.”

    And al-Hakm bin Hajal said: ((I heard ‘Alee saying, “Nobody honors me over Aboo Bakr and ‘Umar رضي الله عنهما except punish him with the punishment of the lashing of a liar “))

    وقال محمد بن سعيد الأصبهاني : ( سمعت شريكاً يقول : احمل العلم عن كل من لقيت إلا الرافضة ، فإنهم يضعون الحديث ويتخذونه ديناً )

    And Muhammad bin Sa’eed al-Asbahaanee said: ((I heard Shareek (Bin Abdillaah, Qaadhee of Koofaa) saying: “Take knowledge from whoever you meet except the Raafidhah, for they fabricate hadeeth and take it as religion))

  14. eiwhh, i didn't know Muslims thought that about him, that is disgusting he killed Husayn, that is horrible, if they were in front of me now, i would spit on their faces, how can they call themselves Muslims?

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