
Can You Build Anything From Chaos And Ruins..?? ?

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Eric Cartmenez - i'm not going away anytime soon..sucker...




  1. Whatever You Choose to Build, With Faith...!!

  2. Sure, a great rebound relationship.

  3. hopes and dreams!

  4. Yes, you can build anything from chaos and ruins -as long as you don't allow it to remain that way. You need to become organized and utilize what you have -and you shouldn't expect that it will be easy (it probably won't be). With a positive attitude and focused effort, great things can be accomplished even when it first appears to be an insurmountable task.  

  5. Paid tours of the Coliseum and the Parthenon.

    Anyway to make a dollar.

  6. Look to San Francisco after their great earthquake of 1906. There's a perfect example of what can be done with chaos and ruins.

  7. Sure you can. Nothing is unsalvageable. Once you hit rock bottom there's nowhere to go but up. You need a positive attitude though. If u have a negative attitude you will stay in the chaos forever.


  9. umm... yeah, I can encourage someone to be/do their best, and support 'em financially until they can stand on their feet...

  10. To build a new house, one has to have a clear ground.

    Ruins created by chaos are moved away , maybe we can keep some materials that have not been damaged - materials which will prove very useful to our new make.  Anything can be built on that clear ground after the chaos.  If we only have the motive, the determination and the dream.

  11. from the wrecks of civilization, we shall rise anew like the phoenix in the flame.

  12. With a little Faith, Hope and Charity

    That's the way it's meant to be......♥

  13. Everything that once was, can be again, for devastation can be cleared away and rebuilt whether it be buildings or relationships to woodlands...that's the upside of destruction.  It's not permanent unless no one cares.  Luckily, most do care to begin again.

  14. yes!  a beautiful life.  i give all of the glory to God.

  15. Majority of the worlds nations are built upon chaos & ruins.  

  16. if its worth

    my utmost best

  17. I have.  It didn't turn out like the original though.  Most of the time there isn't enough to pattern the new after.  So I improvised.  Worked well too.

  18. depends on the chaos and ruins you had in mind....

  19. Definitely!  After the initial shock/trauma its time to take stock and act.  That has been done in the past and will be done by future generations too...that's how life progresses...

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