
Can You Get Pregnant With A Condom ?x?

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I Have Been With My Boyfriend For Nearly 3 Months And He Is Ready To do it.

he said to me if i don't feel ready just say but I'm scared of getting pregnant as i am a lot younger than 18 !

can you please help ? x


x x x




  1. 1). Depending on where you live, it may be classed as statutory rape for him to have s*x with you and if people found out bad stuff could happen to him. In the UK you'd have to be at least 16, the US seems to vary between 16 - 18 depending on where.

    2). It's possible to get pregnant (as well as get sexually transmitted diseases, some with no cure) even when he's wearing a condom. I can't remember the exact numbers but if they're used correctly there's a low but still real chance, if used incorrectly like if it's not on right or the condom has been stored incorrectly, or you're using two condoms together then there's a higher chance of pregnancy.

    3). If you do end up having s*x (though it sounds like you're not ready) then using two methods at the same time, such as the pill and condoms is a lot safer. If you're a lot younger though, the pill might not be available for you. If anything happens like a condom splits, there's an emergency pill that you should take within 24 hours to make sure you're not pregnant.

  2. Three months is NOT a long time to know someone enough to give them the gift of love such as intimacy from your body.  And besides it doesn't sound like you are ready.  To answer your question, yes you can get pregnant using a condom, it's not 100% effective.  Are you ready to become a parent?  

    I would wait at least until you are 18 to decide on this important topic and please don't go through with it now, not only three months later.  Especially because it sounds like you are very young and chances are you aren't going to be with this person for the rest of your life.  You should save yourself for someone that you love, completely, for someone you has been there for you through good times and bad, someone that has been there ALOT longer than three months as your b/f.  It takes time to get to know someone, get to know him before you make this decision and remember with these big decisions can come other consquences like pregnancy, what would happen if that transpires.  It definitely sounds like you aren't ready so please listen to your inner gut feeling and DON'T do it, not yet at least.

    I was lot younger than 18 to when I first had intercourse and I did get pregnant.  I had a premature baby at 5 months (he didn't survive).  The person who I had intercourse with wasn't around and I had to learn a harsh consquence and go through a dramatic experience at a very young age.  Think ahead before you act.  I wish I would have listened to myself.

    Good luck!

  3. He may be ready,  but ARE YOU?

    If you're under 18, he could be committing statutory rape according to your state's laws.

    You can get pregnant with a condom, yes, even if it does not rip or tear, it's not 100% reliable. It's good, but not perfect. You need to put one on before any touching happens or all bets are off.

  4. Condoms have about an 85% chance of effectivley protecting against pregnanacy. Make sure your bf wears it right, and you could even take bc pills top be safe, those have a 99% chance of working.

  5. well you cant not get pregnant with a comdom but if it does spilt you can get pregnant why dont you go on birth control and use a comdom then you wont get pregnant because you are younger than 18 really ask your self if this is the right person that you want to have s*x with good luck and be careful x

  6. You should try this website, they will give you condoms for free!

  7. the chances of u becoming pregnant are very slim  if u make sure u are on the pill or some other form of birth control and that u always use condoms.

    just make sure that YOU ARE ready for it NOT JUST UR BOYFRIEND.

  8. Heya

    Well dont do it until YOU feel ready other wise you will regret it. if you really like the lad and you feel  comfortable sharing such a gift with him then go for it. i would say if your scared about getting pregnant , get on the pill first and then double up with a condom then theres more or less no way you can get pregnant. =] x*x

  9. there is a 7 out of 100 chance you will get pregnant if you use a condom also here is a few tips im 18 i had s*x 3 times when i was 14 ,12 times when i was  15, 17 times when i was 16 , 23 times when i was 17 now im 18 and im having it every day here, i had it so many times because i have abs everyone wants to date me and have fun with me heres a good sexual position i like try it out its called the 69 this is how u do it

    Step 1

    Have your partner lay flat on his or her back. In the classic 69 position, this is usually the man; however comfort may dictate that the heavier partner take the bottom.


    Straddle your partner so that your genitals are positioned over your partner’s face, and your face is over your partner’s genitals.


    Adjust your position that both of you can orally stimulate each other’s genitals. Avoid craning your neck, and make sure that your partner is not straining to reach you either.


    Begin slowly, teasing your partner with your tongue, and then increase the stimulation.


    Use your hands to provide an additional level of pleasure. Encourage your partner to do the same.  

  10. It doesn't sound to me like you are ready even if he is. NO form of contraception is 100% reliable so with anything there's always a risk. You say you are alot younger than 18 - why not wait then? If he cares about you he will understand and he should understand it's statutory rape anyway and he could face jail. There's really more reasons to wait than to do it and have something to regret later on.

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