
Can You Have Optic Nerve Cupping And Not Have Glaucoma?

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Docotr did a routine checkup and said it looks like i have Optic Nerve Cupping. I am near sighted in my left eye amyway. I have also got a lazy eye and a squint (from age of 7).

Doctor said he is 99.5% sure it is not Glaucoma.

What other problems are related to Optic nerve Cupping? Or do some people just have it?




  1. Optic nerve cupping is just one sign of possible glaucoma.  Once a doctor sees this, you should have a couple of other tests run to rule out glaucoma.  The most important tests at this point would be a check of eye pressure (which is routinely done at a general eye exam), a visual field exam (to check your peripheral vision..since this is the area that glaucoma first starts to affect), and if your doctor has access to it, a nerve fiber layer analysis.

    If all these test results come out within a normal range, and you have no other risk factors (ie. family history, age, trauma to eye, etc etc...) then you probably don't have glaucoma.  In this case you would be in the category of people who have a suspicious looking nerve, but it is normal for you!  You should be followed every year (preferably by the same doctor that you trust) to make sure the nerve cupping is not changing!

    hope this helps.

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