
Can You Help Me Decide Between These Two Study Abroad Programs?

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program <A> lasts for a month but only gives me one high school credit, accommodation is in a hotel, and theres lots of sight-seeing and a lil' recreational activivities on the side

program <B> lasts for 3 months, it gives me 6 high school credits, but I would have to live with a host-family and there is not that much ''tourist-things-to-do like sight-seeing and recreational activities" instead u volunteer/work more (its Co-op basically)

I can't choose between A and B..HELP

I am also behind in my credits thats why I'm leaning towards B more, but A sounds more funner, since its gonna be in a hotel and all...




  1. do you get an application for it???? because i want to do something like that.

  2. Try to visit this website which I just came across, a lot of information on study abroad, hopefully may help you:


  3. definately program B... :D

  4. Staying with the host family will let you learn the language better (unless they already speak your language). I&#039;m sure there will be plenty to sightsee and also your resume might look better with a little coop. Best of luck to you- enjoy your stay.

  5. i choose B

  6. Go for B as you need credits as well it has host family program,You get to know their culture and may be your future friends..

  7. You should choose B.  Staying with a host family can sound scary or weird, but it turns out to be really great.  You learn so much about the culture that you wouldn&#039;t have learned staying at a hotel.  Most study abroad programs understand that visitors want to do some sight-seeing during their trip.  I&#039;m sure you&#039;ll have some time to do so on the weekends at least.  Your host family would be great tour guides and might be excited to show you around.

  8. program B sounds better

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