
Can You Help Me Find This Dress?

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I am getting married July 12th 2009. I can't decide on wedding colors. But I found this picture on a google search and I just love that purple dress but I can't find where it is sold at. Can someone help me?





  1. Why not take this image to a dress maker?

    My aunty made my cousins wedding dress just from looking at pictures (& she isn't even a proper dress maker). & this is quite a simple design & wouldn't be too hard to make. Then you could always throw in your own personal touches. You'd probably spend less at a dress maker than for the actual dress.


    Good Luck.

  2. Try doing a Google Image Search for "purple strapless gown" or "dress" and scroll through them;

  3. Here's the best I can do for you.  Unfortunately, there's not much time left.  I'd continue to check eBay from time to time in case more show up.



    I'm still looking...

    Umm... I think it might be discontinued... I can't find it anywhere.

    Your best bet is to go to a bridal store, and ask a saleslady if they recognize it/ carry it.

    I'm sorry I couldn't be of more help... :(

  5. What exactly did you google?

  6. Looks to me like a Monsoon dress. Dont know how old it is, but you could send an email to the main Monsoon head office, including the picture and ask them if they still sell it. It is beautiful - very similar to a pinkish coloured one I bought from there :) Good luck with it. If not, I would recommend a dressmaker who can re create it for you!  

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