
Can You Help Me with My Story?

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Can you please give me a story plot to write about? I will write about anything you give me. Please, my mom said if I finish this story and it comes out good she would look for a agent so the book could get published. So can you help me?




  1.      First of all, what interests you?  Romance?  Historical?  Mystery?  Fantasy?  Choose something that can absorb you.  Then one way to go is to work on a character.  Say, a bad tempered old man.  Why is he bad tempered?  What made him this way?  Does he have any family?  Talk to him.  Imagine him sitting across the table from you.  Ask him questions.  In turn, he might tell you a secret.  If so, what is it?  Before you know it, you have a storyline.

    Good luck

    Mike B

  2. HOW ABOUT A GIRL WHO WANTS TO MAKE IT BIG IN HOLLYWOOD,but she's millions of miles away,like say india....also she has a huge crush on a singer,say joe jonas,her friends and family are supportive,except for one guy who truly likes her.she does go and after a few bumps,she makes it big and the rock star finally falls in love with her. but she later realises that he's a jerk(i don't mean joe).she also realises that being a celebrity wasn't fun at all so she comes back to her country and the guy professes his love for her(add a few touching,funny moments here and there )

  3.     Ah. It looks like you and I share the same dream! As for your project, I wish you the very best of luck.

       Now for a plot... it would have been quite nice if you would've mentioned what kind of stories you like to write about. Personally, I love Fantasy quite a bit. But, since I'm not sure what you like, I'll give you a few possibilities which you can consider.

        Sixteen-year-old Dara Bleak is teetering on the precipice of disaster. Her mother doesn't care about her in the least, her father is an alcoholic and is always out drinking with his friends. To top it all up, her family doesn't have much money. She has no one to support her fragile self; escpecially not at school, where she does quite well, yet seems to be the supreme target for all matter of abuse. Sometimes, her mother even hits her; those are the times she wishes she has a friend the most. She dreams of spontaneously sprouting wings and flying away from her mess of a life. One day, she decides to commit suicide; she doesn't think her life is worth living. She want to stop hiding in her room and locking the door. She wants to stop being threatened at school. She wants to stop seeing her drunken father rage after her and her mother. What she doesn't know is that the same day, her neighbours make a phone call about the screams they hear coming from next door. When a woman stops by with a social worker's briefcase and a past which mirrors her present, will Dara take her finger off the trigger?

    Now, here are more general ideas:

    - The characters must retrieve an object of some importance

    - The main character has unheard-of powers, and everyone wants to manipulate her when her secret spills

    - A magical mannequin rearranges the mall after hours

    I hope I have sparked some inspiration. I hope the you make it big. And, don't worry, if you do, I won't sew for these snippets, if you even use them. :P

    Wishing you the very best,

    A fellow wannabe published author

  4. Okay, if you can't even think of what to write about, you don't have a writer's heart, and you definitely can't write a good story. I'm sorry, but it's true. Come up with your own ideas.

  5. right about a s**y crime scen investigator named robert rodriguez

    and he's trying to find out who robbed a bank

    but he really has multiple personalities and hes the guy who robbed the bank

  6. I'm trying to write a story too, it's hard but I hope it will be worth it.

    I have allways been a bit of a daydreamer so I had a few ideas to help me when I decided to write a story. Watch some films and read some books you like, get some ideas. Write about something you like and write it your own way with your ideas. I like fantasy and stuff like that. Combine ideas, twist them. Think of a time to write it in. Like in the present, past or future. Good luck  

  7. write it on your life

  8. How about a book about a teenage girl who wants to get her crush and things keep getting in her way and when she does get him and goes out with him there is a big family arragment?  

  9. mysterie/ romance comedy.

  10. Write a story about two lovers who die for one another when all they wanted to do was be together. The reason they die is because of feud that has always been between their two familes....JOKE!!! I think that one has been written before. LOL

    I don't know, there are so many options and yet so many of these ideas have been used.

    Write something you have a lot of passion for and have knowledge in. If you don't know what you're writing about then it will all turn out stupid. You need to make sure you are writing the right thing. I suggest a romance though. My favourite. It gives people a emotional attactment to your story.

  11. About a girl who asked someone for a book idea,

    A neighbor gives her a murder story, then she starts to realize that its a true story

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