
Can You Help With Talking To Girls On The Train?

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well i goto the train station i see my dream girl but i dont know how to talk to her.





  1. ask her something trivial like the time or if the train is late or something, depending on her response u get a feel if she is into talking to u

  2. You gotta just balls up and say something.  It may work out or it may not.  Regardless there will be more dreams girls to come, so the sooner you start getting over the initial contact, the better!  Having guts always works out in the end!

  3. I'm assuming you've seen her there a few times before?

    If so, smile at her one day if she catches your eye


    Also, try to get on the same carriage the next day and do the same thing.

    Then try standing on a space next to her on the platform when you're waiting for the train

    Then say 'hello' and chat with her

    If she's a ****** and not interested, she'll let you know soon enough


    Be Brave, Be Confident, Be Friendly - Girl's Apperciate That

    All The Best!

  4. Talking to girls on a train is the same as talking to girls anywhere. First be confident and relaxed, with out this you’re going nowhere. Then listen to what there talking about and politely join in the conversation. Hey presto your now talking to girls on a train!

  5. A lot of beautiful girls already have boyfriends, weather the boyfriend deserves them or not. They also have random guys coming up to them asking them out alot. I'm a guy... so don't ask me how I know this...

    But if you really want to talk to her just go up and talk to her, find something out about her, and asking her the time as mentioned by somebody before me is one way to start a conversation, and whatever you do, do not get a friend to go up and talk to her on your behalf, it may (or may not...) dull you in her eyes

    all of this is "General" Stuff, and not necessarily true, and above all, be yourself

  6. Draw a picture of her, and make a website. Good morning America will put your site on national television and you'll find the girl.

  7. JUST TRY!!!!!!!!!

    You can do it :)

  8. If you see this girl on a day to day basis then perhaps when you feel confident enough just walk up to her and simply say "Good morning/ Good afternoon"  then if she answers you then perhaps you could go on with the conversation, with what people normally talk about the weather, once you have broken the ice, try to get to know a few things about her, you could start by saying "My name is,!!!!!!!, and yours" then tell her "That is a nice name" and take it from there, good luck.

  9. If i were you I would take my once-in-a-golden-moon chance by telling her(my should be him) straight away that she is my dream girl. Be sure your dream girl doesn't exist too often!

  10. just go and ask some thing u think

  11. i dont know

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