
Can You Help? we have a french cat we have saved and need home for 6 months to get him a UK passport?

by  |  earlier

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Hi Eric Lacat was saved in Seillans - South of France - howling outside a villa which had all the shutters closed - we were staying just up the road and heard him in distress - no one wants him - after putting up posters asking all neighbours and bar/cafe owners - he is not wanted - we want him but need some help - we have been looking after him and have temporary homes for the next 3 weeks after which he has his blood test - we have had him micro chipped and he has had his injections - we need a home for him for 6 months only - we will then be able to get him a UK pet passport - we would like him to be with people as a cattery would not suit him - he is a really beautiful and friendly little guy - around 12 weeks old but he looks younger - a little thin - someone in the village has offerred at 500 euros but we know he may only be doing this for the money - so the question is - do you know of anyone who may be able to help-know that this is a long shot but if anyone out there can help




  1. Attached is a map showing the locations of all the branches of Society for Protection of Animals in France.  Hopefully one of them is near you and can advise you where you can find a foster home for the kitten until his passport is ready.

    Have you asked the vet if he has any clients who would be willing to foster?

    If the person offering to care for the kitten is asking 500 Euros for doing the job, then personally I'd be a little wary of their motives.  Unless of course, this amount is to cover expenses such as the kitten's food, veterinary bills, travel tickets and documentation.  (A genuine animal lover probably wouldn't ask for anything other than the actual cost of supplies).

    Hope this helps.

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