
Can You Identify This Phone Number?

by  |  earlier

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Story: About an hour ago, a woman calls and says that 'my friend' has lost his phone in the bathroom and she has picked it up. She calls me as I am on his contact list and she wanted to identify him and return it back. Well in the middle of the conversation, she says that she sees 'my friend', the owner of the phone, and gives the phone back to him. I know because I could hear the phone shuffling around and such. And then he hangs up on me.

It's not a big deal, but the strange thing is, I don't recognize the phone number at all. It is a strange number, as it has 11 digits total instead of the usual 10 or 13. I called back to see if I can maybe ask who it is, but the number would not go through.

I know I shouldn't be worrying but I'm very curious as to where this phone number is coming from. The number is: 8526******6 ... any ideas?

Thanks in advance!




  1. IT could be someone calling from an overseas location. I would say it was either a wrong number call, or someone playing games.

  2. Sometimes some phone's are required to dial a number before the actual number example (1-939-3215).  They might have had to dial 8 instead of 1.

    You shouldn't worry about it.

  3. Neither 852 or 526 is a valid area code

    Make sure you didnt give any important information over the phone, and contact your service provider to make sure no one is attempting to 'slam' you (change your service)

    It is very likely you were targeted for a scam and that you werent giving them enough info fast enough so they cut and ran, on to easier game.    I wouldnt worry, but just to be extra certian double check with your phone (cell) company.

  4. Call the friend who lost the phone and see if the story was true and then take it from there.

  5. Ashlynn  Hello To every 1 who gets these calls that do"not go thru" ( recorded mesage) when try 2 call. The #'s seem some sort of scam, such as auto waranty or such. If they leaf mesag it is recorded or mumbled, need help, cant get thru .

    Thanks Kimera 4 the info.

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