
Can You Interpret My Dream?, Its Kind Of Disturbed...?

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It starts with me walking through a graveyard along a long path and ahead of me i see a church all lit up and i think there was music playing from it aswel.

As i'm walking down the path i look to my right and see 2 men having s*x in like a ditch (Why?)

Then i walk into the church and theres a funeral taking place but i don't know whos it was, i sit at the end of one of the long wooden bench things and notice i am the only one in the church.

Then someone gets a chair and places it near the end of the bench, they put their hand on my hand and then the dream just stops.

I don't know who the person was, when i looked over they were blurred.

This is one of the only dreams i can remember, and the s*x part is quite confusing.

Can anyone help me?




  1. g*y+Funeral= AIDS

    that is a disturbing dream

  2. your dream is not about death it is about fear. fear of deep personal relationships. the reason the person sitting next to you is blurry is because you are confused about your feelings as well as the two men having s*x. have you had a very close relationship that has changed some how , or possibly you are lonely and looking for a relationship  and having difficult time finding a true friend.

  3. The graveyard represents a part of yourself that has been disregarded and may reflect fears you have of the unknown. The path symbolizes your progress along the way. The meaning of the homosexual s*x you saw depends a lot on your own feelings towards homosexuality. If are comfortable with it symbolises self-acceptance and compassion. If you are uncomfortable it signifies your fears and insecurities. The fact that you are watching and are not active in it suggests that you have a fear of getting close to a person or situation. The church as a building signifies your value system and the things that you hold a dear to you. By entering the church this indicates that you are looking for some kind of guidance and are re-evaluating your life. The funeral represents closing the lid on a part of your past and making room for something new. Your awareness of being alone suggest that you may be feeling (or afraid of) rejection. The blurred person implies that you are searching for your own identity and a desire to get to know people (and yourself) better. The hand on your hand indicates you are ready to welcome something new and make connections with someone.

  4. go to google. type in dreams and enter the symbols in your dreams to be inter5preted. im into it too!

  5. Well the dream book i have says,

    In regards to the Funeral "Dreaming of a funeral often expresses a solemn reflection not on death but on a moment of closure, such as leaving a job or moving house."

    Cemetery, " graveyards do not necessarily play a morbid role in our dreams,they can represent family unity that place of eventual reunions, evoking a continuity between past and present generations, reaffirming bonds of love"

    Sexual part of dream "the act of lovemaking may not have a specifically sexual meaning- it may simply indicate an intense yearning for creative expression"

    I got all that from a dream book i bought years ago called 10001 dreams, xx

  6. Maybe the sin in the world, as evidenced by the men in a ditch, has dampened your spiritual  life and the person with you in church shows how you are not alone in your feelings but there is hope.

  7. The dream indicates you are at a place in your life where you are at a turning point.   The two men having s*x likely relate to some conflict you have with some men in your life.   There may have been some sexual problems or sexual confusion in those relationships.  

    The funeral indicates an ending and thus a beginning.   It is your time to make some choices in your life.  It is likely these choices relate to some other people, probably males, and you need to make some choices about who you want to be with.

    I would suggest the s*x part reflects your own confusion about your s*x life and where  you want to be with this at this time.

  8. Dreams dont have meanings sweetie its just our brain working

  9. .Dream interpretation is extremely difficult to explain however as I have studied Dreams I will attempt to decipher what lies in your subconscious.

    Graveyards are usually indicators of renewal due to death.The long path could be a journey about to be taken spiritually for that is where all dreams originate.

    The church is a place of sanctuary and music heard in a dream is the music of the spheres.Was the music beautiful beyond description?

    The 2 men having s*x could be that you are in a love triangle of sorts or you have a desire that is in conflict due to love.The s*x part is the physicality of your subconscious.

    The funeral taking place is the change you are experiencing on all levels.

    This is a very profound and quite beautiful dream and I suspect you have been through or may be about to go through a great change for dreams can be prophetic also.

    Do not fear the death aspect of the dream for death in a dream is the opposite in life it simply means renewal.

    The blurred person who sits by you and places their hand in yours could be your higher power or guardian angel or even the Diety you make be seeking or worshipping.

    There are no hard and fast rules to this for the subconscious is out of body in the astral plane which cannot be defined by science which would only seek to rationalize your dream and debunk the mystery of the spirit.

    Keep a dream diary and as soon as you awaken from a dream then write down what you can renmember.

    You are not alone even though it apears that way in the church for the church is the house of God and it is obvious that somebiody is there waiting to comfort you for the simple act of holding hands is what we learn as children and this implies trust.So the dream although morbid is actually full of omens of sanctuary,comfort and love.

    Dont fear it.Face it.

    In the West or 1st world we have learned to fear death and avoid any reminder of death in our materialist society yet death is with us constantly and it is not to be feared for each second in this physical plain we die by small degrees but all we are doing is releasing ourselves from the prison of our lives and bodies.

    Please do not think I am religious.I am not but I am spiritual and sometimes before I go to sleep I ask the Spirit, "What adventure are we going on tonight?

    I hope I have made what could be a scary experience more understandable for you.

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