
Can You Learn To Jump Higher? If So How?

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Im An Outside Hitter For My High School Team Im A Pretty Good Hitter But Id Be Awesome If I Could Jump A Little Bit Higher. But HOW????




  1. yeh practice!!


    best of wishes to ya!

  2. legs and abs thats  what its all about get it girl

  3. practice every day

  4. ... and then he spent 2 hours sweeping up flour off the ground :)

  5. I tied flour bags on my ankles and just jumped for 5 minutes the first day and then 10 minutes the next day and so on. Try this and if it doesn't work then try putting some objects out of reach and try to reach it by jumping for it every day. Never give up.

  6. JUMP!





  7. Yes.  Jumping is skill, art, and science.

    Science: Basically strengthen your legs.

    Do this exercise at least 3 times a week.  Get a sturdy chair (or ledge) about knee height off the ground.  Start with your left foot on the chair and your right foot on the ground.  Jump using mostly your left leg and switch feet in mid-air landing with your right foot on the chair and left foot on the ground.  Do this 20 times alternating feet.  Increase over time.

    Skill: Use your arms and posture to increase your lift.

    Swing your arms into the air and gain some momentum before completely leaving the ground.  Practice this against a wall or basketball backboard.  Use chack if you have to to learn where you're maximum height is based on how you're swinging your arms.  Sometimes, I crouch a bit before jumping.  I think it helps me gain a few inches.

    Art: Learn to hit (snap) below the top of your apex.

    This basically includes learning to position yourself when you jump so that you can hit the ball as your hand is coming downwards.  I call his art because you have to coordination the movement and timing of your feet (positioning), legs (jumping), arms (swinging) and wrists (snapping).  Not to mention vision--both peripheral and direct, but some of that can be coached.

  8. do some lunges they make your legs stronger, and pump your arms when approaching the net it helps you get more lift

  9. Do "Air-Sits" or "Wall-sits". I am also an outside hitter for my team. I do those every night at home. They helped me a ton! Always try to beat the previous time that you sat for. Like my first time was about 1 minute, but now I'm over 3 minutes per sit. You might also try calf lifts. Basically any exercise that works the calves will help! I hope that helps.

  10. i guarantee i no one these people even have a good vertical...i jump rope every day and do plyometrics twice a week....i also play other sport but trust me do that...i have a 38 inch vertical

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