
Can You Mix Pilates and Recreation Therapy For Better Results

by Guest45194  |  9 years, 3 month(s) ago

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Can You Mix Pilates and Recreation Therapy For Better Results?

It’s sort a mixture of philosophy and religion, fitness and health, relaxation and energy. You feel it the moment you walk into Balance Pilates and Fitness Studio and meet Barbara Tyler, the woman behind the exercise ball.Barbara is a certified Pilates instructor, nationally certified in recreational therapy and has a master’s degree in fitness education. When she was 38, she was a certified aerobics instructor and decided that she didn’t want to spend the rest of her life jumping around. Since then, she has found a more holistic approach to health.She decided that blending art and science to create fitness held great appeal, but not in the form of aerobics. So, she modified her approach, got her master’s degree and began teaching less harsh, but equally effective methods of fitness and health improvement.

Do you think its a good idea or one more person trying to make a name from mixing words?

 Tags: mix, Pilates, Recreation, results, therapy


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