
Can You Name 3 Clinton Employees who Later Earned a Total of $225 MIL Working for Citibank & Fannie Mae?

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1. Clinton's former Treasury Secretary earned $150 MIL at Citigroup

2. Clinton's former budget director earned $50+ Mil at Fannie Mae as CEO. He was forced to resign and return $20 mil.

3. The lady who helped Janet Reno make it so that the CIA could NOT warn the FBI that terrorists were in the US earned $26 MIL at Fannie Mae as Vice Chair.

How well did you make out with Fannie Mae and Wall Street banks taking taxpayers for a ride and charging the poor, elderly, and single moms outrageous fees for credit cards?

Is this why Dems protected Fannie Mae --- because Dems got BIG donations?




  1. Yes.  d**k Morris and some other republican.

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