
Can You Relate?

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When you are watching a TV show, can you relate to the feelings of those people acting in the realstic show?

Does it matter if it's cartooons or not? Can you relate as of that point in time to the similar emotins being felt by the people that are being portrayed as of the show you are watching?

Do you feel what they feel?

For example, you're watching a movie and that music just symbolizes what will happen next, even though the characters in the show you are watching do not know yet.

In what way/s can you relate to the similar feelings of the characters in the show?

How good is your timing on what they are feeling?

Do you relate to them in the past, present, or future?




  1. yes i have way to much empathy

  2. idk what u mean

    but i cry whenever someone on tv cries. like its really weird

    if a girl on america's next top model did bad at a photoshoot (just an example) and she starts to cry, ill cry too.

  3. this sounds like an essay question to me that I would only be able to answe in a few pages, but my answer is yes I can relate to characters sometimes. For example, popular sitcoms are successful because the general public can relate to their character and emotions.

    If you are talking about the feeling of fear when watching a movie and certain music comes on, it helps put the audience in the moment to feel what the character feels. I'm sure producers spend time learning and studying what kind of music brings on certain feelings and uses them the capture the feeling they want the audience to feel while watching the show/movie.

  4. Yes, I go through this. I am able to empathize with others or a certain situation. I don't do this with just movies, but books as well. I will watch a movie and can feel certain emotions that the characters are feeling and put myself in that particular situation. Logically I cannot say "I feel what they feel", because in reality-- they are acting, BUT if am able to put myself in that situation and display empathy for characters.

    As I said above, I can do this with books also. I have a fiction author that I love to read, but his novels 95% of the time end bittersweet. I was sitting out in the back yard reading and finishing up his book with tears streaming down my face and in such despair because I was feeling emotions of a certain character (I am sure the neighbors thought I was nuts!).

  5. Suspension of disbelief is essential to the appreciation of fiction.

  6. I didn't know people still did acid.

  7. Sure, I can relate to how some one is feeling in a movie or TV show. It's more of a sympathetic feeling if anything. My mom always use to tell me I had a big hart. lol That's one reason why I have a hard time with horror movies or even reading really scary or super sad books. I get way involved in what i'm reading some times. My mother had to make me stop reading the book "Night" about the Holocaust. I was in my room crying hysterically because of what was happening. I was picturing my family in that same situation. She had to write a note to my teacher saying that I'd have to finish reading the book for that next day.

  8. oh yeah, i've been angry at stupid people, i've cried my eyes out at sad movies, related to characters, been changed by a movie(i probably sound psycho).

    but yes, i relate.

    and once, i cried during an episode of spongebob XD
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