
Can You Still Smoke In The Atlantic City Casinos?

by Guest65603  |  earlier

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I haven't been to AC in a while. Can you still smoke in the casinos or is it banned now?




  1. The casinos are now allowed to dedicate UPTO 25% of their floor space for "designated smoking areas" in atlantic city.

    You will see signs that say "smoking permited" or "smoking area" where you are allowed to smoke.

    Some tables allow smoking others dont, usually there is at least one of each for each game, if not, many times you can ask and they will remove the no smoking sign form the table.

    Thats how it works in AC

  2. Casinos in AC haven't fallen victim to smoking n**i's yet, but they're close to New York, which means it won't be long til it's banned there, too.

  3. only on the gaming floor every were else its banned.

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