
Can You Take Portable Dvd Players On A Airoplane?

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hi ,

can u take portable dvd players on a airoplane?

please comment this is URGENT!




  1. It depends, really. Some airplanes have that feature, some don't, and some don't want  you to bring them if they don't have them already. This is because if you have one but others don't, it may get them annoyed and make them not come on the airplane again. Also, sometimes, if the airplane doesn't have that feature, people might just forget DVD players altogether, and if you play one, they might get mad, call someone, and either take it away, or move you. So, it depends. the more money you spend, the more features you get. First-class is better than coach, but costs a whole lot more.

  2. ring up and ask airport first and if your gonna do it will probley have to be brand new not even out of box

  3. Yes. On many flights I have seen parents with small children with a portable dvd player to entertain their kids.

  4. Yep.......I do it all the great.......

  5. im pretty sure you can as long as you have headphones and dont have it turned out during take off or landing

  6. You can bring on to any Airplane to use it until run out of battery


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